Masters Theses

Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Science



Major Professor

Thomas G. Hallam

Committee Members

C. E. Clark, J. A. Drake


The von Bertalanffy growth model is used to assess quantitative and qualitative effects of temperature on growth of Daphnia magna. For this, a standard regression analysis technique is used in order to utilize data on development time. The resulting function is coupled to the model and analyzed. The temperature range studied is from 10°C to 34°C whereas 35°C, the lethal thermal limit is not included. An ordinary differential equation model capable of representing the behavior of physiological parameters over the normal temperature range of the organism is presented. The model implements the observed ideas of optimal and maximum temperatures that relate to the physiology of an organism. Then, the results are compared to the results of a previous model and the advantages of the new approach are discussed. Some improvements of both models are suggested and some future research trends are proposed. The importance of the incorporation of the continuous model in existing individual based models is also discussed.

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