Masters Theses

Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Science



Major Professor

Dhyana Ziegler

Committee Members

Barbara Moore, Carmen Manning-Miller


The purpose of this study is to acquire an understanding into how, historically, the twelve constituent school districts that comprise the Jackson County Intermediate School District (JCISD), implemented a two-way interactive interconnect system into their curriculum. The project called Two-way Interactive Delivery system for Schools (TIDSS), was implemented to solve an identified problem, shared academic programming. It has been in operation since the 1987-88 school year. This research is an amalgamation of information gathered from personal interviews, on-site class inspection, and archive research. The study first establishes why the JCISD decided to use two-way interactive technology to alleviate their identified problem, shared academic programming. The study then presents a chronological framework of how the project was implemented. This includes how the system is being used and the implications that have arisen as a result of its implementation. Finally, an attempt is made to establish a list of criteria for the implementation of a two-way interactive interconnect system. This research indicates that the criteria for successfully implementing a two-way interactive delivery system includes but is not limited to: a long term commitment made by all participating principles; cooperation from all participants; realistically establish funding mechanisms not only for actual construction cost but for ongoing operational cost as well; complete the planning process prior to actual construction, including a final engineering study; involve staff, teachers, students, and anyone else who may be potentially involved in the planning and implementation process; use consultants in the planning and implementation process; bring a few sites online for trial programming prior to bringing the entire system online, to work out any bugs in the system; establish inservice programs to help teachers make maximum use of two-way interactive technology; go slow during the implementation process; and, above all, be flexible.

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