Masters Theses
Masters Theses from 2001
Job evaluation methods and factors that impact employee job reviews/audits, salary & job classifications, Frances Elizabeth Burns Clemmons
Synthesis and separation : theorizing religious dimensions of law in the United States, Michael Manning Collier
The synthesis of compounds for the treatment of current health concerns : potent anti-HIV agents and cholesterol-lowering functional food products, Anthony Michael Condo
On the comparison to EEG Norms : a new method and a simulation study, Marco Congedo
The accuracy of the FitSense FS-1 speedometer for estimating distance, speed, and energy expenditure, Scott A. Conger
Personality predictors of job performance for industrial temporary employees, Vivian Danise Cook
Effective clove oil concentrations for anesthetizing selected hatchery reared species, Randall Todd Cooper
Generation and characterization of a novel Rhizobium NGR234 mutant, Virginia Inez Copley
The perception of the impact of tourism as related by the residents of Margarita Island, Kevin M. Costello
Developing a case for the implementation of a control augmentation system to improve flying qualities in the EA-6B aircraft, Robert A. Coughlin
Homologous chromosome pairing in Drosophila melanogaster male meiosis, Amy Lynn Creekmore
Redefining the individual : Jean Paul Sartre and Walter Benjamin's examination of the Baudelarian modern individual, Gabriel Hayes Crowell
Measurement of the heat transfer coefficient and viscous pressure loss for mercury flowing in narrow channels, Jason Michael Crye
Effects of Management and Environmental Conditions on Antibiotic Resistance in Bacteria Associated with Swine, Patricia Cullen
Ordering, time, & place : a Cistercian monastery, Lyle Delos Culver
Cascade multilevel inverters for large hybrid-electric vehicle applications with variant DC sources, Tim Cunnyngham
Nanoparticle measurement methods in internal combustion engines, Thang Quoc Dam
Performance evaluation of Fast Ethernet, ATM and Myrinet under PVM, Priyanka Dasgupta
Cost Comparisons Considering Herd Size, Transport Distance, and Nitrogen versus Phosphorus Application Rates for Liquid Dairy Waste Transport and Application Systems, Adam Shane Daugherty
Performance evaluation of an OH-58A+ with Dimpletape installed, Gregg Allen Deetman
Community Schools: Planning Space for Democracy and Civic Engagement, Jamey L. Dobbs
Aquatic habitat utilization relative to home range and seasonal movements of eastern box turtles (Terrapene c. carolina: Emydidae) in eastern Tennessee, Bridget Michelle Donaldson
Reconnecting nature and man : a center for holistic care, Holly Sanders Donini
Fishes of the Little Pigeon River system, Sevier County, Tennessee, Michael H. Doosey
Employment opportunities for technical communicators in East Tennessee, 2001, Karen Huber Downing
"To secure these rights": Richmond, the Constitution and the Union, 1787-1861, Melody Riddle Durham
Determination of 17β-estradiol and Estrone Concentrations in Runoff and Topsoil from Plots Receiving Dairy Manure, Angel Renea Peters Dyer
Electrical energy analysis of the University of Tennessee Lewisburg dairy Experiment Station, William Chad Edens
Islamic institute, Sumaya El-Attar
A comparative experimental study of turbulence reduction by porous honeycomb : a first look, Edward Carmack Elder III
Effect of cover crop management on yield and quality of no-till dark-fired and burley tobacco, Robert L. Ellis
A CFD laboratory archive supporting the academic process, Shawn Ericson
Incidence of Escherichia coli 0157:H7, Listeria monocytogenes, and Salmonella species on a Tennessee dairy farm, Theresa L. Ervin
Phase separation behavior in a rubber-toughened epoxy system, Stephanie Lynn Evans
Privies, Pigs, Rubbish, and Quacks: The Archaeology of Late Nineteenth and Early Twentieth Century Public Health in Knoxville, Tennessee, Tanya Alexandra Faberson
Development of a single-cylinder common rail injected diesel test engine, Harley Doug Ferguson
Expression patterns and effects of stress stimuli on nodulin 26-like proteins of Arabidopsis thaliana, Rana Ferrebee
An analysis of East Tennessee farmers' decisions to purchase farm equipment, Seth Thomas Fortune
The paradox of autonomy : mandatory outpatient treatment of those with mental illness, Amanda Cannon Foster
Characteristics of kinship and nonkinship care foster children and their families of origin, Karen Lillemor Franck
How potential spillover benefits generated by downtown sports facilities can be maximized, Frederick A. Frank
"Reformers first and foremost : teachers at the Cherokee Boarding School, 1892-1928", L. Gail Frost
The microbiological effect of ozone and chlorine treatments on minimally processed lettuce, Andres Garcia Garcia
An Architecture of Harmony: A Work/Live Facility in Brentwood,Tennessee, Jay Doyle Gaw
Meat managers' expectations regarding marketing of irradiated red meat, Joseph Michael Gaynor
Athletes' and coaches' perceptions of sport psychology services at the University of Tennessee, Knoxville, Noah Benjamin Gentner
Making subjects : history lessons in elementary textbooks in Württemberg, 1855-1910, Vanessa Gera
Solving a fluid-plate interaction problem using finite element methods with domain decomposition strategies, Nathan Louis Gibson
Hierarchical Image Segmentation using The Watershed Algorithim with A Streaming Implementation, Annapoorani Gothandaraman
Avian use of tidal marshes across a salinity gradient at Savannah National Wildlife Refuge, Georgia-South Carolina, Chris A. Graves
Aircraft Heads Up Display design and optimization as applied to the AV-8B Harrier, Charles Sean Gray
Patterns of seed production in Table Mountain pine (Pinus pungens), Ellen Ann Johnson Gray
Evaluation of the continued use of an aging variable stability system augmented aircraft for modern flying qualities education, Kevin F. Greene
Development and use of a polylactic acid electret to stimulate bone growth, Robbye NyCole Grier
Perceptions of knowledge regarding the psychology of injury among Division I athletic trainers, Matthew Thomas Grubb
The administrative structure and functional oversight of religious groups on campus, Samuel Jacob Grubbs
Knowledge-enhanced latent semantic indexing (KELSI): algorithms and applications, David Guo
Estrogenic activity of selected anilines evaluated with a recombinant yeast assay, Elizabeth Louise Hamblen
Disfluency characteristics of nonstuttering children and children with attention deficit-hyperactivity disorder, Melissa Anne Hiller Hannah
Arsenic Removal for Small Drinking Water Treatment Systems: A Multimedia CD-ROM for Drinking Water Professionals, Greg A. Harrison
Pushing your buttons : a usage study of the medium within arm's reach - the mobile radio receiver, Chandler Harriss
Classification and comparison of in situ and anthropogenic soil profiles using Soil taxonomy, proposed amendments to Soil taxonomy, and the Unified Soil Classification System in Knox County, Tennessee, Bronnie Anderson Hartman
Control of a chassis dynamometer, Claudell Marie Harvey
Water quality characteristics, temporal trends, and influencing factors for selected streams in the Great Smoky Mountains National Park, Glenn Richard Harwell
Sunrise Out of Me : a multimedia work for CD-ROM, Mark Anderson Hatfield
The road to rebellion : Norfolk, 1646-1650, Scott Hendrix
Deterrents to participation in company supported tuition reimbursement, Kay Ellen Hill
Pedagogical challenges in teaching French phonemics to American students, Maud Hinault
The economic impact of Harrah's Cherokee Casino on Swain and Jackson counties, North Carolina, James Richard Hoffman
A sub-scale investigation of automobile drag and lift interference in a 3/4- open jet wind tunnel, Jeffrey Michael Hoffman
Design and testing of a feedback position control system using extremely low pressure air, Sorin Homescu
A comparison of whether beginning ballet dancers are as susceptible to eating disorders as are more advanced ballet dancers, Angela Bishop Hudson
Consumer willingness to pay for certified wood products, Alexandria Isabell Huerta
Landowners' perceptions of deer damage in Henry and Weakley counties, in West Tennessee, Dill D. Hughes
Spouses as a parenting team : exploring links between the marital relationship and the parenting alliance, Farrah Moore Hughes
The Involvement of the Forensic Anthropologist in Human Rights Issues, Sarah Catherine Hughes
Subaerial Paleokarst in the Upper Pennington Formation (Upper Mississippian) Limestones at Leatherwood Ford, Big South Fork, Tennessee, Sara Elizabeth Humbert
Community through the looking glass: the quest for utopia, Marsha Martin Hupfel
The living dead : a design for a cemetery in New Orleans, Jason Christopher Inman
The validation analysis of the forgiving personality scale, Vidhya Iyer
Effects of antibiotic regimens on bacterial resistance, Felix R. Jackson
UH-60 Global Positioning System (GPS) tactical approach investigation, Mark Maurice Jackson
Phage display of R67 dihydrofolate reductase, Michael Robert Jackson
Energy absorption in polymer composite materials for automotive crash worthiness, George Jacob
Little histories, Sherri Mahoney Jacobs
The relationship between job stress and job satisfaction in lower management employees, Rachel L. Jameson
Development Along the Northwestern Boundary of the Great Smoky Mountains National Park: Can the Park's 'Soft-Edge' Boundary Be Preserved?, Robert Edward James
Survival of imported fire ant species subjected to freezing and near freezing temperatures, Shannon Suzanne James
Cataract characterization using multi-wavelength extinction, Pavlina Jetchkova Jeleva
The effects of shaft misalignment on efficiency and bearing load of electric motors, Stephen Jesse
The effect of dietary fats and supplements on markers of oxidative stress in rats, Maike Johnsen
Breaking tradition : a study of film adaptations of Richard III, Jared Scott Johnson
Design and construction of a display symbology tester for general aviation, Mark Allan Johnson
Agouti Mice Models to Study the Diabetogenicity of FK506 (Tacrolimus), Rashika Joshi
Transcriptional and translational inhibitors block serotonergic phase advances of the SCN circadian pacemaker in vitro, Aneta Jovanovska
Evaluation of HMA laboratory permeability using the Karol-Warner Flexible Wall Permeameter, Thomas D. Justis