Masters Theses

Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Science


Human Resource Development

Major Professor

Jacquelyn DeJonge

Committee Members

Gregory Petty, Randal Pierce


Organizations rely on job evaluation methods to address pay structures and compliance requirements. A continuous and effective job evaluation method should provide an organization with a level of performance to meet needs essential in obtaining qualified employees, equitable classifications and salaries, and retention of employees. Even though compensation professionals have access to job evaluation methods to implement job evaluation systems there are problems in continuous and effective job evaluation methodological systems. The present study was conducted to identify (a) job evaluation methods currently being used by compensation professionals within the East Tennessee region; (b) opinions concerning job evaluation methods as related to reviews/audits, job classifications, and salaries; (c) factors that should be considered when choosing job evaluation methods; and (d) how methods should be conducted. Compensation professionals from within the East Tennessee region were sent by e-mail a web-based survey questionnaire to obtain information relevant to this study. The data gathered allowed the researcher to identify whether job evaluation methods were effectively meeting today's compensation professional's human resource needs.

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