Masters Theses


Shawn Ericson

Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Science


Engineering Science

Major Professor

A. J. Baker

Committee Members

Joe Iannelli, Masood Parang


The high level of complexity and non-linearity in modeling and simulation of fluid-thermal systems leads to uncertainty in the computational results. In response, the CFD technical community has developed a method of test involving verification, benchmark, and validation concepts to assist in assessing, hence understanding, the impact of error and uncertainty. As each computational model is unique, the use of validation and verification is paramount to obtaining credibility in solutions. Therefore it should be a key issue in the education process in computational fluid dynamics (CFD). A student taking CFD academic course work can benefit from an archive of associated computational results. Herein, these models include boundary layer flow, turbulence closure modeling, and.applications to full Navier-Stokes statements. Of paramount importance are the issues of false diffusion, mass conservation, non-linear iteration technique, linear algebra, accuracy and asymptotic convergence. The starting point for each model is the incompressible flow Navier-Stokes equations.

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