Masters Theses

Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Science


Environmental Engineering

Major Professor

Dr. R. Bruce Robinson

Committee Members

Dr. Wayne T. Davis, Dr. Bruce A. Tschantz


This thesis, in conjunction with the accompanying CD-ROM, are intended to be used by small public water system operators, owners, regulators, and engineers as an educational tool for future compliance with a lowered Arsenic Maximum Contaminant Level (MCL). The CD-ROM is the third in a series of water treatment technology CDs that were created by a collaboration of Dr. R. Bruce Robinson, the University of Tennessee, and Dr. M. Robin Collins, the Water Treatment Technology Center, the University of New Hampshire. The CD-ROM includes multimedia tools such as video and photos, which will aid in the understanding of the included descriptive text of processes and operations involved in the removal of arsenic. The thesis includes a literature review on arsenic removal from drinking water systems and a discussion on the process and methodology that was undertaken to create the CD-ROM.

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