"Food Preservation Practices Used by Selected Homemakers in Hancock Cou" by Doris Ellen Phillips

Masters Theses

Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Science


Food Science and Technology

Major Professor

Mary Ann Bass

Committee Members

Grayce E. Goertz, Roy E. Beauchene


Food preservation practices of Home Demonstration Club (HOC) and Expanded Foods and Nutrition Education Program (EFNEP) homemakers and environmental factors possibly influencing these practices were studied. An interview schedule was used.

As a combined sample, 96% of the HDC and EFNEP homemakers participated in some form of food preservation. The percentages of homemakers using the various methods of food preservation differed with over 50% canning, pickling, making jelly, and freezing.

Educational level, social participation score, and income were all higher for the HOC homemakers than the EFNEP women (P <0.01). Age of the homemaker and the number in the family were similar for the 2 groups.

The proportion of homemakers participating in the various forms of food preservation was different for freezing and curing only. The amount of food preserved varied both within and between the groups. Preserving methods of the HOC and EFNEP homemakers were similar.

Statements of pride by the homemakers expressed their perception of adding to the food supply for the family and/or of making food products which were attractive and flavorful.

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