"A Field Experience in Public Health Nutrition with the Florida Divisio" by Susan Morrill Fowlkes

Masters Theses

Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Science



Major Professor

David W. Hobbard

Committee Members

Roy E. Beauchene, Bert Jones


For her field experience in public health nutrition the student chose the Florida Division of Health as the official health agency. In the south central region of the state of Florida, she hoped to develop in her chosen profession by becoming actively involved in health programs. In this rural region of the state there is a need for health programs aimed at the various needs of the eight counties. The Florida Division of Health functions to meet the health needs of all counties in the state. The division is divided into bureaus and sections. The nutrition section works with many of these bureaus and sections to provide health services for the state. The 45 persons employed in the Nutrition Section work in county health departments, special projects and state institutions.

The regional nutrition consultant provides services of consultation and group instruction through county health departments, professional agencies and institutions, and private groups. By observing and participating in these services and teaching an in-service education program for school food service workers, the student achieved her objectives for the field experience.

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