"Sulfur amino acid utilization by growing broilers fed practical and se" by Nancy S. Mitchell

Masters Theses

Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Science


Animal Science

Major Professor

Kelly R. Robbins

Committee Members

John P. Hitchcock, Hershel V. Shirley


A series of six experiments was conducted utilizing either corn-soybeal meal or semi-purified basal diets. All experiments utilized a total of 1807 Hubbard x White Mountain strain chicks with ages ranging from 1 to 49 days posthatching. The objective of these experiments was to determine total sulfur amino acid (methionine + cystine) requirements for growing broilers fed practical and semi-purified diets at two energy levels. Experiment 1 employed a corn-soybean basal diet at two energy levels to establish the sulfur amino acid requirement for maximal feed efficiency of chicks during the period 8 to 22 days posthatching. Five graded levels of DL-methionine (0 to .24% in the presence of .80% and .79% methionine + cystine, for low and high energy basal diets, respectively) were employed in a 2x5 factorial treatment arrangement. There was a marked growth response due to increased energy level. There was no significant gain response due to supplemental DL-methionine. Gain/feed ratio was maximized at .98% methionine + cystine for the low energy diet (2970 kcal ME/kg) and at .91% methionine + cystine for the high energy diet (3232 kcal ME/kg). Experiment 2 was conducted to determine the sulfur amino acid requirement for maximal feed efficiency of chicks during the period 21 to 34 days posthatching. DL-methionine additions were identical to those used in Experiment 1. As with the younger chicks there was a marked growth response to increased energy level and no significant gain response to supplemental DL-methionine. Gain/ feed ratio was maximized at .89% methionine + cystine for the low energy diet (3045 kcal ME/kg) and at .95% methionine + cystine for the high energy diet (3307 kcal ME/kg). Experiment 3 was conducted to confirm results of Experiment 1 and 2 that utilized battery-reared chicks. This trial was conducted in a grower house and in a manner more closely resembling those currently employed in the broiler industry. The basal diets were the same as employed for Experiment 2; however, methionine additions were decreased to .05, .10, .15, and .20%. There was a significant methionine effect for both the low and high energy diets. As DL-methionine was incrementally added from 0 to .20% (.91% methionine + cystine) there was a significant improvement in gain/feed ratio for birds on the high energy diet. However, unlike Experiments 1 and 2 there was no marked growth response due to increased energy levels. To further substantiate the results with practical corn soybean diets a semi-purified basal diet was employed for Experiments 4, 5, and 6. In Experiment 4, five graded levels of DL-methionine (0 to .60% in the presence of .59% methionine + cystine were employed in a 2 x 5 factorial treatment arrangement. As with previous experiments, there was a marked growth response in young broiler chicks due to increased energy levels. Gain/feed ratio was maximized at .89% methionine + cystine for the low energy diet (2750 kcal ME/kg) and at 1.04% methionine + cystine for the high energy diet (3200 kcal ME/kg). Based on gain data, the total sulfur amino acid requirement was estimated to be .78 + .227% for the low energy basal diet and .81 + .095% for the high energy diet. Both of these estimates are lower than the recommended .93% methionine + cystine requirement listed by the National Research Council (N.R.C.) for broiler chicks 0 to 3 weeks of age. Experiment 5 was conducted to determine if the same effects of energy level and methionine supplementation would occur in the older chicks (4 to 6 weeks of age). Similar diets and methionine additions were used for the older birds. A marked growth response occurred due to increased energy levels. There was also a significant gain response due to supplemental DL-methionine for both energy levels. Gain/feed ratio was significant over-all levels of supplemental DL-methionine for the high energy diet and was maximized at .90% methionine + cystine for the low energy diet. Based on gain data, the total sulfur amino acid requirement was estimated to be .96 ± .085% for the low energy diet and .75 ± .130% for the high energy diet. These estimates are both higher than the recommended .72% methionine + cystine requirement by the N.R.C. for broiler chicks 3 to 6 weeks of age. In Experiment 6 choline was incrementally added, from 600 to 1800 mg/kg diet, to a semi-purified basal diet containing .803% methionine + cystine, 22.1% crude protein and 3200 kcal ME/kg. Results indicated no significant differences for gain, feed comsumption, or gain/feed due to choline supplementation.

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