Masters Theses

Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Arts



Major Professor

Marilyn Kallet

Committee Members

Art Smith, Charles Maland, Robert Drake


This collection of poetry is divided into three sections. The first, "Body," celebrates human sexuality and natural beauty. The second, "Spirit," explores problematic relationships, the search for faith, and the general sadnesses and elations which arise from the writing of poetry. The final section, "Time," shows how specific experiences and observances affect both the body and spirit of the author.

The imagery of these poems, almost without exception, is rooted in power: the natural power of breaking waves and thunderstorms; the spiritual power of crosses and angels; and the physical power of a lover's touch or smile. The shapes and line breaks of the poems create rhythms which reinforce the power of the imagery. The short lines of many of the poems and the broken structures of others demand a rapid reading, which instills an undercurrent of urgency throughout the work.

Finally, read individually or as a whole, these poems represent a young man's quest for divine voice, a voice weighted equally with lament and celebration, a voice that if found mutates the ordinary burden of language into the lasting one of poetry.

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