Masters Theses

Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Science



Major Professor

Nancy Canestaro

Committee Members

Eric Sundstrom, Tom Houser


As many types of organizations widen their focus from individual productivity to group productivity, it is necessary to explore physical environments that meet the needs of work groups. The purpose of this case study was to answer four research questions about group work and environmental preferences. Six work groups from a government contract organization were studied in this context.

The research questions addressed in the research were: (1) what are the group work patterns for these groups in this organization; (2) what is current satisfaction with group space; (3) what physical environment choices do respondents make in support of group work in a planning exercise; and (4) are respondents willing to trade personal space for group space. Each of 50 subjects completed a questionnaire to assess group work patterns and current workplace effectiveness. They also participated in an office planning exercise under budget and non-budget constraints to solicit environmental preferences. Data were analyzed by work group as well as by the individual variables of job level (manager, professional/technical, clerical) and personality trait (introvert, extrovert).

Questionnaire results indicated more than half of the participants spent at least half their time each day in group work. 50% of respondents felt their current environment did not support their group work adequately. Planning exercise results indicated when faced with a budget situation, 41% of respondents were willing to give up some individual space for group space. Data analysis revealed significant differences in response rates for job level and work group. Analysis by the personality trait of introversion/extroversion revealed no differences in response rates. Overall results indicated group work was prevalent among respondents and employees recognized the need for group space to support that work

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