Masters Theses
Date of Award
Degree Type
Degree Name
Master of Science
Agricultural Extension
Major Professor
Robert S. Dotson
Committee Members
Cecil E. Carter, Marion Mariner, LaVerne Farmer
This experimental-type of study was done with 106 active members of 6 representative Home Demonstration Clubs (HDC's) in Montgomery County, Tennessee, in 1977-78. The main purpose was to compare the Pre-test, Post-test and Improvement scores of members assigned to Leader Only and Agent plus Leader approaches to presenting a year's program including 10 lessons on varied home economics subjects to see if one approach excelled.
Homemakers studied in the two groups were found to be similar in years in HDC's, educational levels, and net incomes. Each approach group consisted of one rural and two urban clubs. Further, the three clubs assigned to each approach group included one club organized for less than four years, one club organized between four and ten years, and one club organized for more than ten years.
Major findings of the study included the following: (a) Mean scores for total Pre-test for both approaches did not differ significantly; (b) Mean scores for total Post-test for both approaches did not differ significantly; (c) Mean scores for total Improvement for Leader Only and Agent plus Leader approaches did not differ significantly; and (d) Post-test scores for both groups were significantly higher than Pre-test scores on all 10 lessons, suggesting the effectiveness of both approaches.
There was some increase in Extension contacts and in the positive attitudes of club members as seen in the comparison of the Initial and Final Surveys for 1976-77 and 1977-78 HOC years.
It was concluded that: (a) learning did occur as a result of exposure to both Leader Only and Leader plus Agent approaches; (b) Leader Only and Leader plus Agent groups learned equally well; and (c) the study of the approaches stimulated interest and participation in some areas of club work.
Recommendations for future study and use of Leader approaches were made.
Recommended Citation
Marklin, Martha Martin, "A comparison of two home demonstration club leadership approaches used in Montgomery County, Tennessee. " Master's Thesis, University of Tennessee, 1980.