Masters Theses
Date of Award
Degree Type
Degree Name
Master of Science
Agricultural Extension
Major Professor
Cecil E. Carter, Jr
Committee Members
Robert S. Dotson, Walter Moran
The purposes of this study were to: (1) study the relationships between employment and selected characteristics of Home Demonstration Club Members (HDCM) and (2) study the relationships between selected characteristics of Home Demonstration Club Members and the numbers of contacts they had with Extension agents in Tennessee during fiscal year 1977. Data were obtained through personal interviews of Home Demonstration Club Members in 67 Tennessee counties by county Extension agents in the Fall, 1976. Sampling was done on a county basis by the Extension agents. The Nth number technique of random sampling was used. Computations were made by The University of Tennessee Computer Center. Information was tabulated by frequency counts. The chi square test was used to determine the relationship between employment status among HDCM and selected factors. The analysis of variance F test was used to determine the relationship between personal and family characteristics among HDCM and the numbers and types of contacts they had with Extension agents. A probability level of .05 was accepted as being statistically significant.
Findings indicated that HDCM who were employed tended to be younger, single or married with a spouse not living at home, more highly educated, and making more plans for moving, remodeling or building.
It also was found that a high percent of HDCM, regardless of their employment status, were using the interior design recommended practices. Therefore, employment status did not seem to be related to practice use.
Findings indicated that employment status did not appear to influence the use of radio, newspapers, or magazines as sources of interior design information among HDCM. Employed HDCM tended to rely heavily on books for information; while unemployed HDCM seemed to find television a helpful source of information.
Employment status was not found to be related to HDCM receiving interior design instruction from Extension agents, home economic teachers, or technical institutes or commercial concerns. It was found that a higher proportion of unemployed HDCM than of those employed tended to use home demonstration leader conducted meetings as a source of interior design instruction.
Findings indicated that age was significantly related to the number of contacts HDCM had with Extension agents. HDCM who were 60 years of age and older attended a larger number of Extension meetings than did HDCM under 60 years of age. HDCM who were in the 30-39 age group made a larger number of visits and more telephone calls to the County Extension Office than did HDCM in the other age groups. The 30-39 age group had more total contacts with Extension while the 20-29 age group had fewer total contacts.
It was found that among HDCM marital status groups, those who were married with a spouse living at home tended to make more telephone calls to the County Extension Office. Those HDCM who tended to receive the most home visits from Extension agents were in the widowed or divorced group.
Findings indicated that educational level of HDCM was related to the number of contacts they had with Extension in that a high proportion of HDCM who attended Extension meetings were in the 0-7 educational grade level.
Employment of HDCM was related to the number of contacts they had with Extension in that unemployed HDCM attended a larger number of Extension meetings than did HDCM who were employed outside the home. Those HDCM who were employed made more visits to the County Extension Office than did HDCM who were unemployed.
Findings indicated that family income of HDCM was not related to the number of contacts they had with Extension agents.
Implications and recommendations, and recommendations for further study also were made in the study.
Recommended Citation
Webb, Betty Ray, "Relationships between selected characteristics of home demonstration club members and employment and the numbers of contacts they had with extension agents in Tennessee. " Master's Thesis, University of Tennessee, 1980.