Masters Theses

Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Science


Agricultural Economics

Major Professor

John R. Brooker

Committee Members

Robert Orr, David B. Eastwood


A problem involving geographical allocation of resources evolved over about ten years from 1975 to 1984 in the context of the Antique Upland Development Program (AUDP) in the Province of Antique, Philippines. The AUDP was a program initiated, planned, and implemented by the local government and targeted to the upland population of the province.

Parallel to the evolution of the problem, a set of maps were developed in response to a succession of planning operations in the province. Early planning operations did not provide much guidance for the use of map-based information in the planning process. One later planning operation, the Local Resources Management (LRM) project, provided much greater guidance in the use of map-based information and more clearly defined the place of geographical analysis in the planning process.

The LRM embodied a change from previous development models. The most notable change was a focus on specific poverty groups and the need to both address their basic human needs and involve the groups directly in the planning process.

The LRM project approached development in a manner similar to the AUDP and specifically recognized the role of local governments in development planning. One of the tasks of local government, especially the province, was to identify priority poverty groups for inclusion in the development process, and to specify where, geographically, project resources should be concentrated.

This study documented the historical developments of the AUDP, the map-based information on the province, and the planning context to analyze the place of geographical analysis in the planning process at the local government level in the Philippines. From the map-based information developed in the province and the planning criteria embodied in the LRM, this study first analyzed the upland geographical patterns in the province, especially the patterns of population distribution, and then formulated a framework for making decisions on the geographical allocation of AUDP resources. Based on experiences in the planning operations of the province and the LRM planning approach, a general set of guidelines for conducting geographical analysis in local government planning operations was formulated.

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