Masters Theses

Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Science


Agricultural Economics

Major Professor

Luther H. Keller

Committee Members

Thomas Hill, John Brooker


An economic analysis was conducted to examine the structure and outlook of the commercial production and marketing of catfish and rainbow trout in Tennessee. The analysis was primarily based on data collected from 93 percent of the identified catfish producers and 95 percent of the identified trout producers in Tennessee.

The production systems for catfish and trout were categorized by size, location, type of production facility, source of fish stocks, equipment inventories, feeding practices, harvest methods, labor requirements, yields and ownership characteristics. The marketing systems were categorized by market channels, market volume, producer participation, form of product (live or processed) and price received.

The average catfish producer in Tennessee utilized 15.8 acres of ponds averaging 2.4 acres. Yields in 1984 averaged 598 pounds. Average sales per producer were $8,439. Live fish sales occurred in five market channels and producer processed fish sales in four market channels.

The average trout producer in Tennessee utilized an isothermal spring with an average discharge of 1,296 gallon per minute (g.p.m.). Yields in 198A averaged 1,679 pounds per 100 g.p.m. Average sales per producer were $45,711. Live fish sales occurred in six market channels and processed fish sales in five market channels.

Enterprise costs and returns were estimated for representative enterprises in Tennessee. Using the average 198A price for live catfish of $0.98, a negative net return to land, labor, capital and management of -$975 was estimated for the representative catfish enterprise. Using the average 1984 price for live trout of $1.48 a positive net return to land, labor, capital and management of $14,186 was estimated for the representative trout enterprise.

The outlook for these industries was indicated by producer intentions for 1986 production and their concerns and attitudes toward these industries in Tennessee. Producers of both catfish and trout projected an increase in 1986 production over 1985 levels.

Production of catfish and trout in Tennessee was hampered by small local markets and a substantial degree of regional competition. Currently lacking the production base to support a major processing facility, the expansion of these industries in Tennessee will require greater utilization of the existing markets currently in use.

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