Masters Theses

Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Science


Agricultural Extension

Major Professor

Robert S. Dotson

Committee Members

Cecil E. Carter, Marion Mariner


The purpose of this study was to explore the useability of an experimental 4-H Career Education Manual developed for Extension Supervisory District Five Counties in Tennessee. Specific objectives included the following: 1. To involve High School Counselors in getting their opinions as to whether or not the Experimental Manual might be useable as intended. 2. To involve 4-H Agents in District V counties in getting their opinions as to whether or not the Experimental Manual might be useable as intended. 3. To involve Grainger County Senior 4-H'ers who had participated in the series in getting their opinions as to whether or not the Experimental Manual might be useable as intended. 4. To involve a National Panel of 4-H Professionals in getting their opinions as to whether or not the Experimental Manual might be useable as intended. Major findings of the study include the following: 1. Eleven High School Counselor responses on 18 of 20 evaluative items indicated they felt the Manual was at least Somewhat Appropriate for its intended use. 2. Counselor responses indicated that 60% or more checked the Manual Very Appropriate on five items. 3. The 36 4-H Agent responses on all 20 evaluative Items indicated they felt the Manual was at least Somewhat Appropriate for its intended use. 4. Agent responses also indicated that 60% or more checked the Manual Very Appropriate on three items. 5. Responses from 11 4-H Club members indicated that they felt that the Manual was at least Somewhat Appropriate on all 20 evaluative items. 6. Sixty percent or more of the 4-H'ers checked the Manual Very Appropriate on six items. 7. Responses of four National Panel of 4-H Professionals indicated that they felt the Manual was at least Somewhat Appropriate on all 20 evaluative items. 8. National Panel of 4-H Professional responses further indicated that three-fourths felt the Manual Very Appropriate on nine criteria. 9. Respondents noted the difficulty of finding time to implement the activity. It was suggested that the Manual be used with older 4-H'ers (11th and 12th graders) rather than 9th and 10th graders. Respondents felt that careers in all areas of life should be discussed and more definite ideas given in deciding a career. It also was suggested that the Manual could be adapted for use specifically as a one-time seminar. It was implied that since the opinions of Counselors, Agents, 4-H members and the National Panel of 4-H Professionals were favorable that therefore they saw the Manual as being useable for the intended purpose. Recommendations were made for use of the Manual and for its further testing.

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