Masters Theses
Masters Theses from 1997
Estimating a flood frequency for White Oak Creek watershed at White Oak Dam using simulated streamflow data, James B. Reese
Life estates, Alicia Mischa Renfroe
Autonomous navigation of a mobile platform using an inverse perspective-based stereo vision system and integrated auxiliary sensors, Steven J. Rich
Controlling erosion and nutrient loss with no-till transplanting, Teffany Lynn Rich
The effects of adolescent employment upon school, family, and adult values, Belinda June Riddle
Community based risk perceptions : competing frames at Love Canal, New York, Erin Elizabeth Robinson
Livable city strategies in diverse suburbs : Aurora and Naperville, Illinois, Jennifer Lynn Rogalsky
Performance analysis of constructed urban stormwater detention ponds, Terry Elridge Romans
Static adhesion and cell proliferation of endothelial cells on vacuum ultraviolet surface modified expanded polytetrafluoroethylene, Carey Edward Romoser
An evaluation of biological solids retention time on the biosorption of uranium by municipal wastewater treatment plant mixed liquor suspended solids, Jeffrey Alan Rose
A flight test study to determine whether adding ballast to shift an aircraft center of gravity location aft improves aircraft level flight performance parameters, Molly Marie Russell
A technique of dose estimation and reconstruction of acute and chronic intakes of Pu-241 and Am-241 by inhalation, Alfred Rybka
Development and implementation of a three-dimensional aircraft radar user interface for air traffic management, Krishna M. Sadasivam
The effects of bias angle and fiber volume fraction on the mechanical properties of filament-wound, polypropylene-glass tubes, Jay Randall Sayre
Movie influences on rape risk in college students, Kirsty Elizabeth Schenkel
A Test of the Accuracy of Facial Tissue Thickness Measurements Taken from Computed Tomography, Amy L. Schilling
Analysis of closed-loop control strategies for a wastewater treatment plant, Brandon Thomas Schmidt
An exploration in exchanging transportation networks between two Geographic Information Systems (GIS) via the Spatial Data Transfer Standard (SDTS), Darrell L. Schmidt
Demonstration of a gimbal mounted, high resolution charge coupled device (CCD) television camera in lieu of direct view optics for air to ground targeting, Paul Curtis Schreck
Calibration of thermoluminescent dosimeters for simulated nuclear criticality exposure fields, Laura J. Schwanke
Attention to and attitudes toward alternative media in the 1996 presidential campaign, Lee Greenwood Scurry
Influence of package atmosphere on growth and survival of uninjured and sublethally heat-injured Escherichia coli O157:H7, Jeffrey John Semanchek
Providing a Java interface to NetSolve, Keith Seymour
Impact assessment for the life cycle assessment of a manufacturedproduct [sic] using a chemical ranking and scoring system, Susan Marie Sharp
Evaluation of the air quality of a residential home, Chung-Tung Shen
Effect of dietary n-3 fatty acids and γ-linolenic acid on protein metabolism in the thermally injured rat, James Christopher Sherrell
The effects of muscle mass on metabolic responses and perceived exertion during prolonged exercise, Michael Faine Shipe
The network of feminist e-zines on the World Wide Web, Leigh A. Shoemaker
An electronic pull system for scheduling production and distribution in the soft drink industry, Malcolm Roger Shrimplin
An expert system utilizing time waveform data for fault diagnosis of rotating machinery, Mark William Slemp
The honor statement and student attitudes towards cheating at the University of Tennessee, Deborah A. G. Smith
Summer pool food habits of flathead catfish in Norris Reservoir, Tennessee, Denny W. Smith
Southern Appalachian Fir and Fir-Spruce Forest Community Changes Following Balsam Woolly Adelgid Infestation, George Francis Smith
Relationships between school-wide reform and inclusive education, Jennifer L. Smith
Biological control of Rhizoctonia solani on tomato, Patrice Smith
Local perspectives on human-elephant conflict near Rimoi National Reserve, Kenya, Helen Snook
Signature monitoring and automated diagnosis of motor-operated valves, Scott A. Snowden
Economic employment opportunities in a tourism community : a case study of Sevierville, Pigeon Forge, and Gatlinburg, Tennessee, Amy Lee Spann
A radiological assessment and uncertainty analysis of the St. Louis Downtown FUSRAP site, Kelly Michael Spencer
FTIR, Raman and polarimetric studies of organic compounds in solution and on alumina, Gerald Henderson Springer
Fluence spectra of heavy ions on thick targets with model comparison, Daniel Leon Stephens
Aspects of Ecology and Adaptation with an Emphasis on hominoid Evolution, Clare Katharine Stott
Assessing police applicants : a further look at MMPI and Rorschach data, Carla Gayle Strassle
A data acquisition system for fast ion-atom collision experiments, Lee Barry Straus
The perception and role of faculty members in the governance of intercollegiate athletics, Michael H. Stutts
'Is light still right' : the perception of stereotype of light-skinned black women versus dark-skinned black women in the 1990's situation comedies Living Single and Family Matters, Umbiroo A. Swartz-Karuaihe
Stabilization of mine waste through the application of soil nailing, Clyde Raymond Tant
An evaluation of the effects of increased exhaust gas recirculation on a dedicated natural gas vehicle conversion, John David Taylor
Adolescent peer mediators : perceptions of conflict and coping at school and home, Susan Katherine Taylor
A computational model of meteor entry into earth's atmosphere, David Christopher Thames
Boone Reservoir operating guide curve analysis and fixed rule evaluation, Karen Frances Tidwell
Consumer complaint behavior : an empirical investigation of taxonomy, influencing factors, and consumer attitudes towards retailers & manufacturers in complaining behavior, Ronald Howard Tipper
Substrate use during and following high and low intensity exercise : implications for weight control, Karen Michelle Townsend
The development and implementation of a control system for a hybrid electric vehicle, Brian E. Tucker
Occupational work ethic : a comparison of genders and two generations - Baby Boomers & Generation X, Kimberly Turner-Henry
Determination of human health risks related to consumption of snapping turtle tissue contaminated with polychlorinated biphenyls, Jacqueline Mecklenborg VanAudenhove
Stalin and other children's stories : fiction, Brad Vice
The effects of work study on the attendance, grades, and discipline of secondary students with mild disabilities, Ann Marie Von Schipmann
Reproductive interactions between hybridizing species of Piriqueta, Jiongqian Wang
The expression and sequestering of methionine-rich storage hexamerins in A. polyphemus during second pupal development, Paul Clayton Weaver
Expression and inhibition studies of recombinant human brain 4-aminobutyrate aminotransferase, Li Weikai
Cultural Patterning in the Use of Herbal Medicines (Jamu) and Health Seeking Behavior in a Javanese City, Brook Williams Weisman-Ross
The population genetic structure of Cyclura carinata carinata (Sauria : Iguanidae), Mark Edward Welch
Characteristics of alcohol use by traditional age students at a private, four-year, liberal arts, Christian college in Tennessee, Gayle Maddox Wells
The African American male student-athletes' perceptions of their academic support systems from middle/high school through their collegiate experience, Kimberly L. Wester
Production and characterization of two single tryptophan mutants of R67 dihydrofolate reductase, Freddie Wayne West
Student athletes' attitudes concerning inclusion of disabled athletes in mainstream intercollegiate sports, Revonda Darice Whitley
Temporal incidence, progression, and impact of beech scale, Cryptococcus fagisuga Lindinger, and beech bark disease in the Great Smoky Mountains National Park, Gregory James Wiggins
The effects of trailing edge up flap deflection and center of gravity position on aircraft power required and drag, Christopher Morris Wilcox
The influence of sport competition on mood and secretory immunoglobulin A, Zachary Clay Wilcox
Structure-function studies of the Saccharomyces cerevisiae a-factor lipopeptide mating pheromone, John Robert Wilgus
The effect of photoperiod and temperature on specialty floral crop species, Mildred Suann Williams
Telling stories, Regina L. Williamson
P300 auditory evoked potentials : semantic categorization in adults, Deanne Morgan Wilson
Water-binding capacity of myofibrillar proteins as influenced by sarcoplasmic protein extracts from normal and pale, soft, and exudative pork, George G. Wilson
Downdating the latent semantic indexing model for information retrieval, Dian Irene Witter
An experimental investigation of heavy metal adsorption by a commercial chelating ion exchange resin, Yeak-Chong Wong
An integrated adventure recreation program : the effects on attitudes toward persons with disabilities, Leigh Anna Wooley
An exploration into the role of women in Japanese advertising, John Thomas Worth
Characterization of an enriched uranyl fluoride deposit at the former K-25 enrichment plant using active neutron and gamma interrogation techniques, Mark Stephen Wyatt
Establishing the reliability of the smiley face assessment scale : test-retest, Heewon Yang
Diplomatic doctrine in the world system : the case of China (1971-1983), Soo-Lyon Yon
Testing a multi-chip module containing untested components, John W. York
The livable city movement and neighborhoods : a case study of Chattanooga, Megan H. York
Emotional and cognitive reaction to memory laden music in chemically dependent adolescent females, Anne Burnett Young
Solar particle event dose distribution : parameterization of dose-time profiles, with subsequent dose-rate analysis, Edward Neal Zapp
Development of field testing procedures to determine the behavior of steel piles supporting integral abutments, Anthony Francis Zeind
An investigation into the hydrolysis and condensation reactions of zirconium (IV) butoxides, Jason Tylor Zielke
Cattle and environment in Nicaragua : a world system analysis of the beef export industry and its environmental impact, 1950s-1970s, Margaret A. Zimlich
Mathematical modeling and analysis of a pressure control system, Karl Philip Zimmerman
Masters Theses from 1996
Analysis of soybean non-nodulation mutants by DNA amplification fingerprinting and bulked segregant analysis, Shane Abbitt
Diabetes insipidus in three strains of mice, Ann Swann Arp Adams
The USDA market promotion program : a study of funds allocation and the use of export assistance services by participants, Barry H. Adams
The Use of the Lincoln/Petersen Index for Quantification and Interpretation of Commingled Human Remains, Bradley J. Adams
Fatty acid composition and measurement (cholesterol oxides, fluorescent products and TBA value) of lipid oxidation in raw and cooked white and dark chicken meat during 5-6°C storage, Cynthia Edith Adcox
Algorithms and interface enhancements for GraphEd, Carolyn M. Aebischer