Masters Theses


Soo-Lyon Yon

Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Arts


Political Science

Major Professor

Robert Peterson

Committee Members

Jeffrey D. Berejikian, John M. Scheb


The purpose of this research is to examine the relationship between doctrine and foreign policy with the case of China (1971-1983) . In this research, two major diplomatic doctrines, Mao Tse-Tung's "Anti-hegemonism" and Deng Xiao-Ping's "Practical independent diplomatic doctrine", are compared in the changing world environment. Because past research with the cognitive model approach lacks consideration of the environmental stimulus of the world system and various strategic functions of doctrine for propaganda, disguise and justification through rational calculations, this research explains the various meanings and functions of doctrine as a rational response to the outer world. Therefore, two questions which are related to the relationship between doctrine and the rational actor model are examined in this research: Can doctrine be used as a rational response to the outer world environmental change? What value does it maximize? To answer these questions, this research examines the position that "the world environment" as the independent variable on the level of world system can have an effect on the making and changing of "doctrine" as a dependent variable. Finally, this research suggests the following conclusions: In China, two major doctrines, "anti-hegemonism" and "practical independent diplomatic doctrine", were used for value maximization in Mao and Deng's eras. During Mao's era, the notion of national interest was focused on national security. National interest focused on economic development during Deng's period. Internally, both doctrines tried to integrate the various domestic opinions. Externally, both doctrines tried to gain support from the third world, and to propagate their justification to the outer world. For this reason, further research on the relationship between foreign policy and doctrine should be complemented by the rational actor model.

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