Masters Theses


John W. York

Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Science


Electrical Engineering

Major Professor

Donald W. Bouldin

Committee Members

Chandra Tan


This thesis research involved the testing of two Digital Signal Processor based Multi-Chip Modules which contained untested dies. Testing was performed using a custom-design printed circuit board. The design and development of the PCB were performed using tools produced by Mentor Graphics. Resources on the PCB provided an environment in which to test the MCMs. Results of the testing for both modules indicated that both MCMs were defective. One module's (module A) Vcc and GND terminals were directly shorted, and the other module (module B) had an unexpectedly high power dissipation. The suspected cause of the fault for module A was a defective substrate, while the problem with module B was suspected to be a faulty FPGA die, embedded on the substrate. Discussion of the potential enhancement of testability by using an embedded FPGA is also given.

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