Masters Theses

Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Science


Teacher Education

Major Professor

W. Jean Schindler

Committee Members

Lester M. Knight


The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effects of work study on the attendance, grades, and discipline of secondary students with mild disabilities. Both paired and unpaired t-tests were administered to compare the means of the various groups. Students involved in work study programs were compared prior to placement and during placement in the three areas. No significant differences were found between the calculations from the sets data. Students involved in work study were also compared to students that were not involved in work study. There was a significant difference between the two groups in the area of discipline. There were no significant differences in the areas of attendance and grades. Also, a Pearson Correlation Test was used to determine correlation possibilities between attendance, grades, and discipline. The students involved in work study had a negative correlation between grades and absences from school. Students not involved in work study failed to show correlations among grades, attendance, or discipline. When both groups of students were combined, there was a negative correlation between grades and absences from school.

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