Masters Theses

Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Science


Health Promotion and Health Education

Major Professor

Jack S. Ellison

Committee Members

Robert Pursley, Eugene Fitzhugh


The purpose of this study was to determine the current drinking characteristics of beverage alcohol by traditional age undergraduate students who attended a private, four-year, liberal arts Christian college in Tennessee. The study served as a needs assessment for the planning and implementation of alcohol education at this particular institution. Ten percent of the student body of this college was used in this study. Two hundred and sixty-three students in general education courses were asked to complete a survey questionnaire that explored characteristics of alcohol use, abuse, and misuse. Of this group, only the traditional age students (age 18 to 22, inclusive) were analyzed. Two hundred and four surveys were utilized in this study. Descriptive statistics were used to analyze the survey data. Within the 204 surveys, 52 students or 25% had never consumed any beverage alcohol. Seventy-four students or 36% had consumed alcohol in the past but do not currently use the substance. The remaining 78 students or 38% stated that they currently consume beverage alcohol. Based on the findings and the analysis of the data obtained, the following recommendations were made in relation to characteristics of alcohol use among students attending this particular college:

  1. Alcohol programming on this particular campus should continue to be evaluated to ensure that it reflects the drinking characteristics of the students attending the institution.
  2. According to this study, alcohol use at this college is lower than the national average for collegiate drinking. Therefore, this particular college should examine its current alcohol policies in an effort to determine the reasons for this lower drinking rate.
  3. This study should be repeated on this campus in five years in order to update the drinking characteristics of the institution's students
  4. Further research concerning characteristics of alcohol use among traditional age college students attending Christian colleges should be conducted.

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