Masters Theses

Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Science



Major Professor

Bruce A. Ralston

Committee Members

Thomas L. Bell, Cheng Liu


Because of the rapid increase of spatial modeling and analyses during the last decade, numerous Geographic Information Systems (GIS) with unique spatial database designs now exist which cannot directly exchange spatial data without some level of translation. GISs usually include translation programs or utilities that import and export foreign spatial database designs, but they do not translate flawlessly. This thesis experiments with existing spatial data exchange programs and explores the creation of a new exchange program between two chosen GISS (Arc/Info and MGE). This requires a detailed study of supported features of the two GISs including graphic representation, supported attribute types, and topologies. After discussing various data exchange approaches, the method that involves an interim data file is used in the creation of a new data exchange system to exchange transportation networks, which primarily contains point and line type features. The format of the interim data file is the Transportation Network Profile (TNP) of the Spatial Data Transfer Standard (SDTS). The ambitious goal of new program development for the transfer of transportation network nodes and links from one GIS to a second through SDTS type files and back is met and the experience discussed. The program developed contributes to the advancement of freely and openly spatial data sharing.

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