International Adult and Continuing Education Hall of Fame Repository | University of Tennessee, Knoxville Research | TRACE: Tennessee Research and Creative Exchange

International Adult and Continuing Education Hall of Fame Repository

Welcome to the International Adult and Continuing Education Hall of Fame (IACEHOF) Repository. This repository was established by the IACE Hall of Fame to showcase and preserve the published and unpublished works of its members. Free online access makes these works easily discoverable anywhere in the world.

Submitting Documents

We encourage IACEHOF members to submit their documents – as well as audio, video, image, and text files – to this digital repository. Members submitting their work for the first time should begin by clicking on the link “Submission Guidelines” in the sidebar to the left. After reviewing the guidelines, click on the link Submit to the IACE Hall of Fame Repository and follow instructions. Returning members can go directly to this link and post their work.

Search Other Members' Works

You may view IACEHOF members’ works by choosing from the options below. (Please note: Member biographies that are linked to on the IACE Hall of Fame web site are current as of the member's induction year.)

1. Search

Use the search function in the upper left corner of each page of the repository to find items by author name or key word. Type a name or keyword in the top white rectangular box and click the search button. The default search location is the page you are on. To search the entire IACE Hall of Fame Repository, click the down arrow at the right of the lower rectangular box and then click on "in this repository." Click on the search button or press "Enter" to complete your search.

2. Works by Name of Member

Browse all repository submissions by member name. Click here to open a page that shows an alphabetized list of all IACEHOF members and their published and unpublished works. Scroll through the list or use the page’s dropdown menu to select a name and jump to that member’s items.

3. Members’ Works by Class Year

Use the links below to locate member names by the year of their induction into the Hall. Each induction class contains items submitted by or for each of its members, as well as a link to each member’s biography located on the IACEHOF site at Oklahoma University. The class pages have dropdown menus to aid in navigating the site.


Browse the International Adult and Continuing Education Hall of Fame Repository Collections:

Class of 1996

Class of 1997

Class of 1998

Class of 1999

Class of 2000

Class of 2001

Class of 2002

Class of 2003

Class of 2004

Class of 2005

Class of 2006

Class of 2007

Class of 2008

Class of 2009

Class of 2010

Class of 2011

Class of 2012

Class of 2013

IACE Hall of Fame Repository