Class of 2002
Browse members' works below by scrolling down the page, or use the dropdown menu to jump to a specific author.
An icon indicates the digital format of the submission. Click the icon to open the file or link to the web site where it is stored.
Clicking on the title of the work opens a new window that contains author information, an abstract, and a download button to open the item.
(Please note: Member biographies linked to the IACE Hall of Fame web site are current as of the member's induction year.)
Kasworm, Carol
Curriculum Vitae of Carol Kasworm, Carol Kasworm
Curriculum Vitae - Carol Kasworm - February 2017, Carol Kasworm
Poley, Janet K.
1998 Slide Presentations on Distance Education: Janet K. Poley, Janet K. Poley
Testimony to President William Clinton's Advisory Committee on Public Interest Obligations of Digital Television Providers, Janet K. Poley
Philosophy and Purposes of Distance Education, Janet K. Poley
Lifelong Learning: Distance Education and the Role of Family and Consumer Sciences, Janet K. Poley
Asynchronous Learning Networks: Policy Implications for Minority Serving Institutions and for Leaders Addressing Needs of Minority Learners, Janet K. Poley
Distance Teaching & Learning: Interview with Janet Poley by Rosemary Lehman, University of Wisconsin, Janet K. Poley
National Webconference on Scale: YouTube, Janet K. Poley
Sloan C Research Symposium: Scale and Online Learning, Janet K. Poley
Janet K. Poley Biography/CV - March, 2014, Janet K. Poley
Biography, Janet K. Poley