Class of 1998
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(Please note: Member biographies linked to the IACE Hall of Fame web site are current as of the member's induction year.)
Henschke, John A. EdD
Malcolm S. Knowles: His Contributions to the Theory and Practice of Adult Education, John A. Henschke EdD
Contemporary Historical Research Conference, John A. Henschke EdD
Long Term Impact Evaluation of Nursing and Other Health Care Professionals' Continuing Education Program, John A. Henschke EdD
New Directions in Facilitating the Teaching Roles of Parent in the Sex Education of their Children, John A. Henschke EdD
An Application of Adult Learning and Program Design, John A. Henschke EdD
Current Concepts and Information on the Differences between Adults and Other Learners, John A. Henschke EdD
Preparing Non-Experienced Teachers of Adults, John A. Henschke EdD
Long Term Impact Evaluation of Continuing Education Programs, John A. Henschke EdD
A Comparison of Three Transfer of Training Strategies in Inservice Adult Teacher Training, John A. Henschke EdD
Evaluation of the In-service Education Ordinance and Programs for Industrial Vocational Teacher in the Republic of China, John A. Henschke EdD
Identifying Appropriate Adult Educator Practice: Beliefs, Feelings and Behaviors, John A. Henschke EdD
Designing Learning for Adults, John A. Henschke EdD
Use of Appropriate Learning Techniques for Teaching Adult Residents in a Correctional Setting, John A. Henschke EdD
The Use of Audio Interaction in a Telecourse Offered by Satellite: Foundation of Adult Basic Education, John A. Henschke EdD
Using Adult Learning Techniques in Adult Education Conferences, John A. Henschke EdD
Effective Techniques/Methods for Conference Presentations: Research Issues, John A. Henschke EdD
Theory and Practice on Training and Professional Development in Adult and Continuing Education, John A. Henschke EdD
Teaching Adult Learners, John A. Henschke EdD
Theory and Practice on Preparing Human Resource Development Professionals, John A. Henschke EdD
Developing A Mentoring Program Improvement Evaluation Model, John A. Henschke EdD
Biography, John A. Henschke EdD
Historical Antecedents Shaping The Terms Of Performance And Learning And Their Relationship In Human Resource Development: An Exploratory Study, John A. Henschke EdD
Mentoring for University Outreach and Extension, John A. Henschke EdD
Moving a University or College toward A Lifelong Learning Orientation, John A. Henschke EdD
Air Carrier Check Airman Training: An Adult Education Model, John A. Henschke EdD
Andragogy: The Foundation for Its Theory, Research and Practice Linkage, John A. Henschke EdD
Thinking about Andragogy: The International Foundation for Its Research, Theory and Practice Linkage in Adult Education and Human Resource Development, John A. Henschke EdD
Instructional Perspectives of Nurse Educators Engaged in Teaching via Distance Education, John A. Henschke EdD
Post Literacy and Continuing Education for Vocational Training: Administering Adult Education Programs, Teaching Adults and Helping Them Learn, John A. Henschke EdD
Adult Learning Theory and High School Students, John A. Henschke EdD
Broaden the Spectrum of Elements for Re-Orienting an Educational Institution toward a Focus on Lifelong Learning, John A. Henschke EdD
Major Elements of Re-Orienting an Educational Institution toward a Focus on Lifelong Learning, John A. Henschke EdD
Major Elements of Re-Orienting A Higher Education Institution toward A Focus on Lifelong Learning: An Update, John A. Henschke EdD
International Research Foundation for Andragogy and the Implications for Adult Education Practice, John A. Henschke EdD
Comparing Personal Learning and Educational Institution Elements Required in Various Countries for a Re-Orientation toward a Focus on Lifelong Learning, John A. Henschke EdD
Common Elements for Re-Orienting Higher Education Institutions in Various Countries toward Lifelong Learning: Research and Implications for Practice, John A. Henschke EdD
Malcolm S. Knowles: Four Major Historical Social Movements that influencd Him and He Influenced as He Became an Adult Educator, John A. Henschke EdD
Toward a Thorough Understanding of the International Foundation of Andragogy in HRD and Adult Education, John A. Henschke EdD
Reflections on Experiences of Learning with Malcolm Shepherd Knowles, John A. Henschke EdD
Trends in Adult Education, John A. Henschke EdD
Inside Story of a Global Research Project: Lifelong Learning and Higher Education, John A. Henschke EdD
Additions Toward a Thorough Understanding of the International Foundations of Andragogy in HRD & Adult Education, John A. Henschke EdD
Reflections on Experiences of Learning with Malcolm Shepherd Knowles, John A. Henschke EdD
Comparing the American and European Perspectives on the International Concept of Andragogy and the Implications for the Development of Adult Education Theory and Practice, John A. Henschke EdD
A Global Perspective on Andragogy: An Update, John A. Henschke EdD
A Productive Decade of Andragogy's History and Philosophy 2000-2009, John A. Henschke EdD
Engagement in Active Learning with Brazilian Adult Educators, John A. Henschke EdD
Beginnings of the History and Philosophy of Andragogy 1833-2000, John A. Henschke EdD
Testing Andragogy with Adult Learners Internationally in the USA, Brazil, and Australia, John A. Henschke EdD
A Perspective on the History and Philosophy of Andragogy: An International Sketch, John A. Henschke EdD
Strengthening A Global Perspective on Andragogy: An Update for 2009, John A. Henschke EdD
Movement Toward Staying Ahead of the Curve in Developing and Managing Human Capital, John A. Henschke EdD
The Dynamic of a Living Lecture in Career and Technical Education, John A. Henschke EdD
The Mystery of Living and Learning for a Viable Future: The Power of Adult Learning, John A. Henschke EdD
An International Capsule of the History and Philosophy of Andragogy, John A. Henschke EdD
A Perspective on the History and Philosophy of Andragogy: An International sketch-Part 2, John A. Henschke EdD
A Capsule of the International History and Philosophy of Andragogy to 2010, John A. Henschke EdD
Bringing Together Personal Learning, Higher Education Institutional Elements, and Global Support for a Re-Orientation Toward a Focus on Lifelong Learning and Education, John A. Henschke EdD
Brazilian Lifelong Education and Learning, John A. Henschke EdD
The Power of Adult Learning for Living a Viable Future, John A. Henschke EdD
A Perspective on the History and Philosophy of Andragogy: An International Sketch-Part 1, John A. Henschke EdD
A Capsule of the History and Philosophy of Andragogy to 2010, John A. Henschke EdD
Bringing the History and Philosophy of Andragogy into a more comprehensive Understanding World Wide: A 2010 Update, John A. Henschke EdD
Opening the Mystery of the International History, Philosophy and Practice of Andragogy (Adult Learning), John A. Henschke EdD
The Power of Andragogy/Adult Learning for Living a Viable Future, John A. Henschke EdD
Lifelong Learning for Older Adult Learners, John A. Henschke EdD
Counseling in an Andragogical Approach, John A. Henschke EdD
Considerations Regarding the Future of Andragogy, John A. Henschke EdD
A Living Lecture for Lifelong Learning, John A. Henschke EdD
Andragogy and Transformative Learning: Imigration Meets Ratioalism in College Classrooms, John A. Henschke EdD
Organizational Learning and Employee Retention: A Focus Study Examining the Role of Relationships Between Supervisors and Subordinates, John A. Henschke EdD
A 2011 International Shorten Vision of the History and Philosophy of Andragogy, John A. Henschke EdD
Research on the Historical and Philosophical Foundations of Andragogy: Expanding Horizons and Deepening the Search in 2011, John A. Henschke EdD
International Research Foundation for Andragogy and the Implications for the Practice of Education with Adults, John A. Henschke EdD
Worldwide History and Philosophy of Andragogy: 2012 Limited to English Language Documents, John A. Henschke EdD
Research on the Use of Learning and Degree Contracts within University and Other Settings in Italy and the USA, John A. Henschke EdD
Super Andragogy, John A. Henschke EdD
Building Blocks for the Adult Learning Experience, John A. Henschke EdD
From History to Practice: How Trust, Empathy, Reciprocity and Sensitivity in Relationships Create the Foundation of Learning, John A. Henschke EdD
A 2013 Update of Research in Andragogy Has Revealed Some New Dimensions and Another Era As We Looked toward Andragogy's Future, John A. Henschke EdD
The Four Forces Behind Knowles' Andragogy, John A. Henschke EdD
A Critical Review of Reflectivity, Andragogy, and Confucianism, John A. Henschke EdD
Andragogy around the World in K-20 Education: It is All about Trust, John A. Henschke EdD
Strategies for Developing a Sustainable Learning Society: An Analysis of Lifelong Learning in Thailand, John A. Henschke EdD
Measurable Performance Indicators (MPI) for Lifelong Learning: Reorientation of a Traditional Higher Education Institution, John A. Henschke EdD
Building on Trust in a Complex World: Educational Research and Technology, John A. Henschke EdD
Important New Developments in Andragogical Perspectives, John A. Henschke EdD
Andragogical Curriculum for Equipping Successful Facilitators of Andragogy in Numerous Contexts, John A. Henschke EdD
Extensive Recent Discoveries in the 2014 Update of Global Andragogical Perspectives, John A. Henschke EdD
A Personal Perspective and Learning Experience on Living a Long, Healthy Life, John A. Henschke EdD
An International Perspective on Reorienting Traditional Higher Education Institutions toward Lifelong Learning, John A. Henschke EdD
Cultural Learning Processes through Local Wisdom: A Case Study on Adult and Lifelong Learning in Thailand, John A. Henschke EdD
Applying Andragogical Principles to Enhance Corporate Functioning, John A. Henschke EdD
Involving the Adult Learner, John A. Henschke EdD
Rethinking Lifelong Learning with Thailand for the 21st Century [Part 2], John A. Henschke EdD
John A. Henschke's Vita Updated 2017, John A. Henschke EdD