Class of 1999
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(Please note: Member biographies linked to the IACE Hall of Fame web site are current as of the member's induction year.)
Reischmann, Jost
Learning “en passant”: The Forgotten Dimension, Jost Reischmann
Adult Education in West Germany in Case Studies, Jost Reischmann
Biography, Jost Reischmann
Adult Education in Germany. Roots, Status, Mainstreams, Changes., Jost Reischmann
International and Comparative Adult Education: A German Perspective, Jost Reischmann
Andragogy. History, Meaning, Context, Function, Jost Reischmann
Bamberg Donates Time: Andragogues Develop a City, Jost Reischmann
Becoming a Professor in Andragogy - Lived History, Jost Reischmann
Adult Educators as HRD Trainer, Moderator and Coach. Experiences of a Chair for Andragogy in Bamberg., Jost Reischmann
Lifelong and Lifewide Learning - a Perspective, Jost Reischmann
Andragogy: Because „Adult Education“ Is Not Beneficial To The Academic Identity!, Jost Reischmann