Class of 2000
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(Please note: Member biographies linked to the IACE Hall of Fame web site are current as of the member's induction year.)
Hiemstra, Dr. Roger
Instructional Programs in the Adult Education Approach to Community Development, Dr. Roger Hiemstra
A Conceptual Framework for Educational Program Planing and Evaluation, Dr. Roger Hiemstra
Identifying “Success” Characteristics in Self-Directed Adult Learners, Dr. Roger Hiemstra
Policy Recommendations Related to Self-Directed Adult Learning, Dr. Roger Hiemstra
Preparing Human Service Practitioners to Teach Older Adults, Dr. Roger Hiemstra
The Elderly Learner, Dr. Roger Hiemstra
Self-Directed Adult Learning: Some Implications for Practice, Dr. Roger Hiemstra
Personal Computers, Telecommunications, and the Adult Education Professional, Dr. Roger Hiemstra
Self-Directed Adult Learning: Some Implications for Facilitators, Dr. Roger Hiemstra
Adult Education And The Adult Educator Of The Future, Dr. Roger Hiemstra
Translating Personal Values and Philosophy into Practical Action, Dr. Roger Hiemstra
Physical Learning Environment, Dr. Roger Hiemstra
Howard Yale Mcclusky--Adult Education Pioneer, Dr. Roger Hiemstra
English Language Adult Education Books: Their Value to Adult Educators, Dr. Roger Hiemstra
Supportive Materials for a Train-The-Trainer Program, Dr. Roger Hiemstra
Older Women's Ways Of Learning: Tapping The Full Potential, Dr. Roger Hiemstra
Planning and Operating a Conference: A Case Study, Dr. Roger Hiemstra
Moving from pedagogy to andragogy, Dr. Roger Hiemstra
What's in a Word? Changes in SDL Language (Lexicon) Over a Decade, Dr. Roger Hiemstra
Self-Directed Learning: Present and Future, Dr. Roger Hiemstra
Strategies for Dealing with Workplace Transitions: An Important Role for Continuing Higher Education, Dr. Roger Hiemstra
Self-Advocacy and Self-Directed Learning: A Potential Confluence for Enhanced Personal Empowerment, Dr. Roger Hiemstra
The Hidden Curriculum, Dr. Roger Hiemstra
Critical Path Analysis: A Planning/Time Management Tool for Managing Research, Dr. Roger Hiemstra
Biography, Dr. Roger Hiemstra
Howard Yale McClusky Bibliography, Dr. Roger Hiemstra
The Theory of Margin, Dr. Roger Hiemstra
Founding of the AEA of the USA--1949-1955: Crucial Roles Played by Howard McClusky, Malcolm Knowles, and Cyril Houle, Dr. Roger Hiemstra
Learning and Broadband Internet Connections for Rural Users, Dr. Roger Hiemstra
Syracuse University Kellogg Project September 1, 1986 - August 31, 1993, Dr. Roger Hiemstra
Tips for Greater Success in Writing Journal Articles, Dr. Roger Hiemstra
Adult Education History Project, Dr. Roger Hiemstra
Vitae, Hall of Fame Recipients, Malcolm Knowles Awardees, and Personal Paper Collections in Adult Education, Dr. Roger Hiemstra
Glossary of Terms for Conference and Meeting Planners, Dr. Roger Hiemstra
Foundations of Gerontology in Education: A Self-Study Course, Dr. Roger Hiemstra
How the Internet is Changing Self-Directed Learning, Dr. Roger Hiemstra
Working with Convention and Visitors Bureaus, Hotels, Travel Agencies, and Conference Planning Committees, Dr. Roger Hiemstra
Writing Objectives, Executive Summaries, Criterion Referenced Testing, Goals for the First Team Meeting, and Stages of Team Growth, Dr. Roger Hiemstra
Some Facts Related to the Aging Process - II, Dr. Roger Hiemstra
Some Facts Related to the Aging Process - I, Dr. Roger Hiemstra
Self-Directed Learning Symposium - Video Presentation by Professor Roger Hiemstra, Dr. Roger Hiemstra
Interview of Dr. Naomi Boyer by Roger Hiemstra on Higher Education Leadership, Dr. Roger Hiemstra
Interview of Dr. Ralph Brockett by Professor Roger Hiemstra on Higher Education Leadership, Dr. Roger Hiemstra
Ethics, You, and Higher Education Leadership - A Lecture with PPT Slides, Dr. Roger Hiemstra
Marketing in Higher Education - a Lecture with PPT Slides, Dr. Roger Hiemstra
Pictorial Life Review of Roger Hiemstra, Dr. Roger Hiemstra
Roger (Rog) Hiemstra Web Page, Dr. Roger Hiemstra
The Professoriate: Then and Now - Lecture with PPT Slides, Dr. Roger Hiemstra
International Journals of Self-Directed Learning, Dr. Roger Hiemstra
Contexts of American Higher Education, Dr. Roger Hiemstra
History of Higher Education - Lecture with PPT Slides, Dr. Roger Hiemstra
What is Enrollment Management - A Lecture with PPT Slides, Dr. Roger Hiemstra
Résumé, Roger Hiemstra, PhD, Dr. Roger Hiemstra
A Strategic Model of Planning - Lecture with PPT Slides, Dr. Roger Hiemstra
Hiemstra, Dr. Roger and Meredith Charles
Are young professionals engaging in self-planned learning projects? Twenty-first century implications for self-directed learning among post-four-year undergraduate students, Dr. Roger Hiemstra and Meredith Charles
Hiemstra, Dr. Roger and Elisabeth S. McCaffery
Can They Teach? A Look at How Professors Learn To Educate, Dr. Roger Hiemstra and Elisabeth S. McCaffery
Hiemstra, Roger Dr.
The Educative Community: Linking the Community, School, and Family, Roger Hiemstra Dr.
The Older Adult and Learning, Roger Hiemstra Dr.
Older Adult Learning: Instrumental and Expressive Categories, Roger Hiemstra Dr.
Lifelong Learning: An Exploration of Adult and Continuing Education Within a Setting of Lifelong Learning Needs, Roger Hiemstra Dr.
Successful Aging: Finding the Fifth Level, Roger Hiemstra Dr.
The Older Adult's Learning Projects, Roger Hiemstra Dr.
Identifying Success Characteristics in Self-Directed Adult Learners, Roger Hiemstra Dr.
A Model for Learning Resource Networks for Senior Adults, Roger Hiemstra Dr.
Changing Approaches to Studying Adult Education, Roger Hiemstra Dr.
Howard Yale McClusky: Adult Education Pioneer and Statesman, Roger Hiemstra Dr.
The Contributions of Howard Yale McClusky to an Evolving Discipline of Educational Gerontology, Roger Hiemstra Dr.
Elderly Interests in the Expressive Domain, Roger Hiemstra Dr.
Personal Computer Literacy: Personal and Professional Applications, Roger Hiemstra Dr.
How older persons are portrayed in television advertising: Implications for Educators, Roger Hiemstra Dr.
Computer-Assisted Analysis of Qualitative Gerontological Research, Roger Hiemstra Dr.
Translating Personal Values and Philosophy into Practical Action, Roger Hiemstra Dr.
Breaking New Ground: The Development of Adult and Workers' Education in North America, Roger Hiemstra Dr.
Individualizing Instruction: Making Learning Personal, Empowering, and Successful, Roger Hiemstra Dr.
Electronic Networking: The Impact on the Adult Educator, Roger Hiemstra Dr.
Creating Environments for Effective Adult Learning, Roger Hiemstra Dr.
Aspects of Effective Learning Environments, Roger Hiemstra Dr.
Toward Building More Effective Learning Environments, Roger Hiemstra Dr.
Resources on Adult Learning Environments, Roger Hiemstra Dr.
Adult Learning Theory, Research, and Knowledge, Roger Hiemstra Dr.
Syracuse University Kellogg Project, Roger Hiemstra Dr.
Resistance to Self-direction in Learning Can Be Overcome, Roger Hiemstra Dr.
Self-Directed Learning, Roger Hiemstra Dr.
From Behaviorism to Humanism: Incorporating Self-Direction in Learning Concepts into the Instructional Design Process, Roger Hiemstra Dr.
Helping Learners Take Responsibility for Self-Directed Activities, Roger Hiemstra Dr.
Computerized Distance Education: The Role for Facilitators, Roger Hiemstra Dr.
Overcoming Resistance to Self-Direction in Adult Learning, Roger Hiemstra Dr.
Moderating Discussions in the Electronic Classroom, Roger Hiemstra Dr.
Self-Directed Learning: Present and Future, Roger Hiemstra Dr.
Review of European Views of Self-Directed Learning: Historical, Conceptual, Empirical, Practical, Vocational, Roger Hiemstra Dr.
Computerized Distance Education: A Future for Higher Education, Roger Hiemstra Dr.
Uses and Benefits of Journal Writing, Roger Hiemstra Dr.
Teaching On-line: Not Just Another Teaching Assignment!, Roger Hiemstra Dr.
Rural Learners: Internet Uses through Broadband Connections, Roger Hiemstra Dr.
Participating in the Future: Shared Leading, Collaborative Learning, and Creatively Deciding, Roger Hiemstra Dr.
Advancing an Inclusive Future for Distance Learning, Roger Hiemstra Dr.
The First Two Decades of New Horizons in Adult Education: From Whence Have We Come?, Roger Hiemstra Dr.
Future Directions for SDL Research, Roger Hiemstra Dr.
How the Internet is Changing Self-Directed Learning, Roger Hiemstra Dr.