Teaching and Supervision in Counseling
Volume 4, Issue 2 (2022)
Special Section Information
- This issue contains a special section titled "Suicide Risk Assessment and Intervention in School Counselor Training"
- Special Section Guest Editor: Lucy Purgason, Oregon State University – Cascades
Empathy-In-Teaching as a Multidimensional Disposition in Counselor Education
Eric R. Baltrinic and Melissa Luke
Veterans in Counseling Programs: Military Service and the Counselor Training Process
Crystal D. Hahn, Carl R. Price, and Claudia G. Interiano-Shiverdecker
Motivation, Belonging, and Support: Examining Persistence in Counseling Programs
Alisa Housenecht and Jacqueline Swank
Cross-Cultural Distance Dialogues in Counselor Education: Collaborative Pedagogy
Sarah N. Baquet and Jehan Hill
Introduction to the Special Section: Suicide Risk Assessment and Intervention in School Counselor Training
Lucy L. Purgason, Christian D. Chan, and Bradley McKibben
Suicide Intervention in Schools: If Not School Counselors, Then Who?
Laura Gallo and Carrie A. Wachter Morris
School Counselors’ Vital Role in Suicide Intervention: A Response to Gallo and Wachter Morris
Carolyn Stone
Validating School Counselor Professional Identity: Response to “Suicide Intervention in Schools”
Donna Gibson
A Wrap Around Approach to Suicide Prevention in Schools: It’s not just School Counselors….
Tahani Dari and Jan Gay
MTSS for Suicide Prevention and Intervention: Considerations for School Counseling Preparation
Emily Goodman-Scott, Jennifer Betters-Bubon, and Rebecca Pianta
School Counselor Suicide Response: A Final Rejoinder
Carrie A. Wachter Morris and Laura Gallo