
Teaching and Supervision in Counseling

Submission Guidelines and Policies


Who Can Submit?

Anyone may submit an original article to be considered for publication in Teaching and Supervision in Counseling provided they own the copyright to the work being submitted or are authorized by the copyright owner or owners to submit the article. Authors are the initial owners of the copyrights to their works (an exception in the non-academic world to this might exist if the authors have, as a condition of employment, agreed to transfer copyright to their employer). Please see the submission agreement for additional information.

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Guidelines and Requirements for Authors

Teaching and Supervision in Counseling (TSC) is the official journal of the Southern Association for Counselor Education and Supervision (SACES), a region of the Association for Counselor Education and Supervision (ACES). TSC publishes high quality articles that inform mentoring, training, and supervision in educational and clinical settings. Articles may be empirical, conceptual or theoretical, or based on current issues; with an emphasis on empirical research using rigorous quantitative, qualitative, and mixed methods. All articles must be scholarly, grounded in existing literature, and have implications for the field of counseling including, but not limited to, counselor education, supervisory practice, clinical training, pedagogy, mentoring, or public policy. Additionally, a goal of TSC is to provide mentoring to graduate students in peer review and writing. All manuscripts are submitted to a blind peer-review process.

Manuscript Preparation and Submission

When submitting, authors will be asked to designate one of four categories in which the manuscript falls:
  • Teaching
  • Supervision
  • Mentorship
  • Current Issues and Topics Relevant to the Southern Region of ACES
  • Manuscripts are to be submitted electronically (in one attachment) in Microsoft Word format (.doc, .docx). Please use the Submit Article link in the menu on the left of the website. For additional inquiries, contact the journal editors at tscjournal@saces.org

    All manuscripts submitted to TSC undergo an initial screening to ensure fit to the aims and scope of the journal and to check that authors adhered to relevant ethical guidelines. TSC is committed to a thorough and expedient peer-review process, and all submissions are blind peer reviewed by at least two editorial board members (or possibly an ad hoc reviewer, if needed), and typically undergo revision until the final decision is made by the Editor or Associate Editor. Receiving a revise and resubmit decision does not mean that the manuscript will be published within TSC. Therefore, authors must ensure they are submitting a manuscript that contains no clues to author(s) identity. This includes, but is not limited to, information on the title page, text within the body of the manuscript, as well as citations that may reveal author identity.

    Authors are expected to follow ethical guidelines and are required to meet the following criteria:

    • Submitted manuscripts must be original work
    • Not submitting the manuscript simultaneously to any other publication outlet
    • Not publishing elsewhere in substantially similar forms or with similar content
    • Obtaining approval from an institutional review board if human subjects were used
    • Adhering to appropriate authorship ethical guidelines from the American Counseling Association
    • The submitted manuscript must be blinded of all author names and information to ensure a blind review

    By submitting a manuscript to Teaching and Supervision in Counseling the author stipulates that the above ethical guidelines are in fact true and that the material is not currently under review at another journal. A submission also indicates that the material will not be submitted to another journal (electronic or print) during the time the manuscript is under review in TSC and the editorial process is complete within TSC. If you have concerns about the submission terms for Teaching and Supervision in Counseling, please contact the editor.

    Cover Letter: Authors should prepare a cover letter to upload with their initial manuscript submission that describes how the manuscript fits the aims and scope of TSC. Authors should attest that they have adhered to relevant ethical guidelines described above. Additionally, because the manuscript should be blinded for review, please include in the cover letter all author information and affiliations, authors notes and acknowledgements, relevant disclosures (e.g., funding details, conflicts of interest), and complete contact information for the corresponding (lead) author. Importantly, please also include ORCiDs and social media handles (Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn) for any authors, as applicable.

    Author Biographies and ORCID iDs: Authors should prepare a brief, 2-3 sentence biography for each author listed on the submitted manuscript. A recommended, but not required, biography set-up might be: "[Author], [degrees, credentials] is a [title] at [organizational affiliation]. Their research interests include [insert interests]. [ORCiD link, if applicable]." TSC requires the primary/first author to have and to provide an ORCiD when submitting a manuscript. TSC also strongly encourages, but does not require, any additional co-authors to have an ORCiD. Visit the ORCiD website to learn more and to create a free iD.

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    Formatting Requirements

    In preparing manuscripts, authors should follow the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (7th edition). Authors should provide enough detail in manuscripts to allow for a critical review. Authors also should be concise while providing enough information that procedures could be replicated if necessary. All empirical manuscripts should adhere closely to the APA Journal Article Reporting Standards. Please note that all authors should closely align their manuscript with APA Publication Manual guidelines for nondiscriminatory language regarding gender, sexual orientation, racial and ethnic identity, disabilities and age or any other language that results in stereotyping and bias. Finally, the terms counselor, counseling, client, or counselor in training are preferred compared to other synonyms referring to various mental health professionals or generalists. Any manuscripts that do not adhere to the length and style characteristics noted below will be returned without review.

    Page Length: The total page length for empirical manuscripts that are qualitative or mixed method should be no more than 30 pages. Empirical quantitative or conceptual manuscripts should be no more than 25 pages. Current issues manuscripts should be between 10 to 15 pages in total length. These totals include title page, abstract/public significance, references, and all tables and figures in addition to the body of the manuscript.

    Title Page: The first page of the manuscript should include only title and running head, and thus should be masked for the purpose of blinded review. Please include all author information and affiliations, authors notes and acknowledgements, and complete contact information for the corresponding author in the cover letter uploaded separately from the manuscript.

    The title of the manuscript should be no more than 20 words. Titles for empirical manuscripts must adhere to the APA Journal Article Reporting Standards. Titles for conceptual manuscripts should identify key issues, topics, and populations under consideration. All manuscript titles should be in a descriptive or declarative format.

    Abstract: The abstract should be no more than 150 words and should contain the central idea of the manuscript. Abstracts for empirical manuscripts must adhere to the APA Journal Article Reporting Standards, which generally include the main research topic, a purpose statement, information on participants and methodological procedures, results/findings and implications. Abstracts for conceptual manuscripts should also include a purpose statement and should describe key issues, topics, populations, and implications.

    Public Significance Statement: The public significance statement should be one to three sentences (30-70 words) that summarize the significance of the study or the conceptual information for the general public. Include the public significance statement directly below the abstract on page two of your manuscript. Click here for additional information on writing a public significance statement, including examples.

    Keywords: Three to five keywords from the manuscript should be highlighted under the public significance statement. Keywords are what can help researchers find your work in the database.

    Tables and Figures: Manuscripts should include no more than three tables and two figures in any manuscript, and they should only be used when absolutely necessary. Each table or figure included should have a callout or indication where it is being referenced in the text. Additionally, text and tables/figure should not replicate each other. Tables and figures should be used to enhance the information being provided or explained and not as a replication of the exact information being provided in the body of the manuscript. Figures and tables should be formatted in APA style.

    References: References should be included in the submitted manuscript, and should follow the formatting style provided in the APA Publication Manual. Authors should check to ensure all citations provided in the manuscript are provided in the reference list and that all references are complete in detail per APA.

    Footnotes or Endnotes: TSC does not accept the use of footnotes or endnotes. All information should be incorporated into the body of the text.

    It is understood that the current state of technology of Adobe's Portable Document Format (PDF) is such that there are no, and can be no, guarantees that documents in PDF will work perfectly with all possible hardware and software configurations that readers may have.

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    VOL Journals: General Terms and Conditions of Use

    The publisher of this journal is in a partnership with UT VOL Journals, the Volunteer Open-Access, Library-hosted Journals of the University of Tennessee Libraries. Users of the website, services, and/or software(s) affiliated with VOL Journals agree not to misuse the website, services, or software(s) in any way. Users also agree to abide by The University of Tennessee System Acceptable Use of Information Technology Resources policy.

    To seek an exception to the above terms, or if you have questions on rights or re-use, please contact the journal editors.

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    Manuscript Publication

    If an article is accepted for publication in TSC, authors will be asked to finalize all edits through the editors and copyeditor on the timeline noted in the acceptance letter and any continued correspondence.

    The TSC editorial staff may wish to collaborate with the corresponding author to develop social media marketing information (e.g., Facebook, Twitter, Instagram). With these artifacts, TSC aims to publicize authors’ work and to maximize readership and citations of articles published in the journal.

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