Masters Theses
Masters Theses from 2003
Tax Structure and Political Support: Equity-Related Goods Taxation., Jonathan McKernan
Tennessee urban growth boundary plans : an analysis of local governments and urban sprawl under pubic chapter 1101, Colin C. McLeod
A meta-analytic examination of the dimensions of teacher burnout and demand and resource correlates, Jama Lynn McMahan
Approaches for MATLAB Applications Acceleration Using High Performance Reconfigurable Computers, Saumil Girish Merchant
Inner Piedmont tectonics in the southwestern Brushy Mountains, North Carolina: field and laboratory data revealing 3-D crustal flow and sillimanite I and II metamorphism, Arthur J. Merschat
Internet addiction : professional discourse and user attitudes, Tina M. Metzger
Development and Verification of Parameterized Digital Signal Processing Macros for Microelectronic Systems, Adam Robert Miller
Proposed IFR Air Ambulance Coverage for Middle and East Tennessee, James Christopher Mills
Case Study on Effective Communication Through Email To Augment Face-To-Face Interaction in the Workforce, Jennifer Leigh Mills
Integrating network storage into information retrieval applications, Svetlana Y. Mironova
Design of a Wide-Swing Cascode Beta Multiplier Current Reference, Bradley David Miser
Feathers From the Cusp: A Collection of Poems, Cameron Molchan
Feathers from the Cusp: a Collection of Poems by Cameron Molchan, Cameron Molchan
De la Progression de Rousseau dans les Confessions, Reed Martin Monson
A Design Study of a Proposed Four-Seat, Amateur-Built Airplane, D. Andrew Moore
Incorporating the SJU-17A Naval Aircrew Common Ejection Seat in the EA-6B Aircraft, Daniel D. Moore
Echoes and traces: revealing and renewing architecture, Thomas Joseph Moore
The anxiety behind gynocriticism : contemporary application of Gilbert & Gubar's The madwoman in the attic, Stuart Allen Morris
Habitat Comparisons and Geographic Distribution of La Crosse Encephalitis in Eastern Tennessee Utilizing Geographic Information Systems, Howard Joe Morton
Down in Old Mexico: Five Stories, Lewis Moyse
The filmic nature of architecture, Matthew Munn
A Simulation Based Approach for Determining Maintenance Strategies, Vasanth Murthi
Investigation of Compound Micro Cantilever for Imaging and Identifying Micro/Nano Particulates, Ramanathan Narayanan
Multiperspective mosaics and layered representation for scene visualization, Jin-Choon Ng
The bryoflora of Falls Branch Falls, Cherokee National Forest, Monroe County, Tennessee, USA, Sarah Marie Noble
Optimization of electronic protection testing for the F/A-18 active guidance air-to-air weapon system, Cassidy Clayton Norman
Modeling of Corrugated Graphite Foam Heat Exchangers, Timothy Henry Norton Jr.
The paleohydrologic history of coal underclays based on Pennsylvanian paleosols in eastern Tennessee, Eric G. Ober
The Willie J. Spencer Eco-Retirement Village, Laura Leah Ogle
Hard target performance testing of non-lead, frangible ammunition, Eric Samuel Oglesby
The Regeneration of oak (Quercus spp.) on highly productive sites of the east Gulf Coastal Plain, Tennessee : a post-harvest approach, Christopher M. Oswalt
Evaluation and description of a floodplain system : the Middle Fork Forked Deer River, West Tennessee, Sonja N. Oswalt
Validation of Multicultural Nutrition Counseling Competencies for Registered Dietitians, Reena Oza
Characterization of a Novel Circadian Clock Mutant, bowelP, Jiae Paik
Parameter Study on Topology Optimization of Constrained Layer Damping Treatments, Rohan Vinay Pai
“Effect of Labeling on Consumer Perception of Commercial and Laboratory-Produced Vanilla Ice Creams, April Rae Parker
Rotational structures near 40 [hbar] in ¹²³La, Hyo-In Park
Transmitting organizational culture : the process of assimilating female freshmen student-athletes at the University of Tennessee, Andrew Mason Parrish
Polarization studies of thermally grown chromium nitrides for possible applications in polymer electrolyte membrane fuel cells, Irene Elizabeth Paulauskas
Elevated temperature compromises continued development of germinal vesicle-stage bovine oocytes, Rebecca Ruth Payton
Performance of Bit Error Rate and Power Spectral Density of Ultra Wideband with Time Hopping Sequences., Joseph Martin Peek
Determination of manner of death based on gunshot wound entry site and bullet trajectory, Rosemary Leigh Pennefeather
Crane flies (Tipulomorpha; Diptera) collected during the All-Taxa Biodiversity Inventory of Great Smoky Mountains National Park, Tennessee and North Carolina : an ecological study, Matthew J. Petersen
Schreier groups and symmetric neighborhoods with a finite number of open components, Raymond David Phillippi
Conflict in voluntary organizations : a field study, Mark Fletcher Pierce
Morphology of molar-tooth structure in Precambrian carbonates : influence of substrate rheology and implications for genesis, Mark D. Pollock
Analysis of the Instrument Carrier Landing System Certification Process for Amphibious Assault Ships, Arthur Prickett
Soybean Hull Supplementation to Pasture-Based Beef Cattle Finishing Diets, Rebon Brent Pugh
The Mountain Folk of Rugby, Tennessee: An Archaeological and Historical Study of the Massengale Home Site (40MO146), Kimberly S. Pyszka
The mountain folk of Rugby, Tennessee : an archaeological and historical study of the Massengale Home Site (40MO146), Kimberly Sue Pyszka
On the nature of the dimethylphosphinomethanide ligand in organometallic chemistry, Ryan Paul Quarberg
Design and Analysis of a Wide Loop-Bandwidth RF Synthesizer Using Ring oscillator For DECT Receiver, Md. Hafijur Rahman
Revitalization of urban waterfronts in port cities : the case of New York and Boston, Francisca Ramalhosa
Physical and Chemical Treatments for Control of Salmonella on Cantaloupe Rinds, Vivian Ann Rash
Genomic data analysis using grid-based computing, Bhanu Prasad Rekapalli
A Class of Functions That Are Quasiconvex But Not Polyconvex, Catherine S. Remus
Teamwork skills and occupational work ethic of secondary school students in a school-to-work program, Mary Kathryn Rhodes
"The beginning of a beautiful friendship" : World War II propaganda in feature films from 1939-1943, Krista Leigh Richmond
Role of the Father-Adolescent Relationship in Sharing Adolescents' Attitudes Toward Divorce, Sharon Catherine Risch
Weaving the Haptic and the Liminal in Architecture Production, Amy Elizabeth Robertson
Weaving the Haptic and the Liminal in Architecture Production, Amy Elizabeth Robertson
Trochoidal Electron Impact Time-of-Flight Mass Spectrometry of Chlorodifluoromethane, Wesley Daniel Robertson
A Study on the Prediction of Viscosity with the use of Numerical Simulation Software, Brian Robinson
Utilization of Organic Co-Solvents to Enhance Bacterial Conversion of Poorly Water-Soluble Compounds, Miguel Rodríguez Jr.
Darkness, fire, and pain : finding strength through endurance in Mildred Haun's The hawk's done gone and other stories, Viki Dasher Rouse
An Integrated Framework: Applying Attitude Theory to Environmental Concern & Public Support for Environmental Policy, Aaron Scott Routhe
The development of qualification standards for cast duplex stainless steel, Steven Wayne Russell
Early childhood teachers' self-reported beliefs and practices about play, Mi-Hyang Ryu
Desorption and photodegredation of polychlorinated biphenyls (PCB's) in surfactant solutions, Eric Sampsel
Indicator bacteria levels in the waters of two East Tennessee watersheds, Melody Ann Sasser
A comparison of the differential effects of atracurium and/or lidocaine on succinylcholine-induced fasciculation, Frederick C. Schrimpe
Initial results of in situ infiltration rates in the Luquillo Experimental Forest, Puerto Rico, and recommendations for future research, Paul Delmas Scruggs
Pedometer-measured physical activity in elementary school children, Stephen Sefchick
Stimulators of Aβ aggregation identified through drug screening, Matthew Sega
Burying koi, Heather Seratt
Comparison of Bit Error Rate and Power Spectral Density on the Ultra Wideband Impulse Radio Systems, Ömer Sezer
Benefits of dance education : the perceptions of college dance students, Laura Leitner Shields
Evidence for an abrupt latest Miocene-earliest Pliocene climate shift preserved in a sinkhole paleolake at the Gray Fossil Site, northeastern Tennessee (Washington County), Aaron Jacob Shunk
Relations between measures of speech-in-noise performance and measures of efferent activity, Steven Brad Smith
An Improved Alternative Test Method for Resilient Modulus of Fine Grained Soils, Jonathan Michael Smolen
Organizational Commitment, Perceived Supervisor Support, and Performance: A Field Study, Sarah K. Soulen
A strategy for land conservancies to promote sustainable development practices, Patricia Kay Southerland
The Effects of Sun and Shade on the Early Stages of Human Decomposition, Carrie Srnka
Understanding the experience of non-participant private forest landowners : a phenomenological investigation, Miriam L.E. Steiner
An Exploratory Research Study of Collection Management Tools for the Knoxville Botanical Gardens and Arboreta’s Living Plant Collection, Kathryn Terese Steinhoff
The relationship of job stress and job satisfaction in the service work environment, Cynthia Dawn Stevens
Design of a rocker arm for a high performance engine, Stephen Edward Stewart
Current Assessment and Future Prediction of Forest Cover Change in Cumberland and Morgan Counties, Tennessee: A Modeling Technique, Jeffery David Strickland
Injury rates and the effect of project scheduling on highway and street construction, Travis Strong
Extended high frequency hearing and speech delay of unknown origin, Mandi C. Stutsy
Getting into bed with Les misérables : a study of the symbolism(s) of the bed, Lorrel Lynn Sullivan
Shoulder proprioception in male and female athletes, Zachary Lloyd Sutton
An appropriate stiffness degradation parameter to monitor fatigue damage evolution in composites, Rui Tang
Resource selection by black bears on U.S. Marine Corps Base Camp Lejeune, David J. Telesco
A landscape assessment to identify potential elk restoration sites in Arkansas, Rebecca Lyn Telesco
Sustainable transportation : a case study of telework and carpool in Atlanta, Georgia, Jessica A. Tharpe