Masters Theses

Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Science


Human Resource Management

Major Professor

Virginia Kupritz


The presented study focused on the type of information workers receive from mangers and the work circumstances in which face-to-face contact is critical or work circumstances in which email is critical. Interviews were conducted with 24 office workers in a bank. Office workers identified work situations involving Human Resource confidential issues as being a critical face-to-face communication situation. Office workers also identified times involving security (safety) issues when it was critical to receive information through email. Implications of this study indicate organizations need to utilize both face-to-face and electronic communication. Managers must determine the content of the message to be sent to workers and then determine the most productive mode of communication. Does the message contain private or sensitive information or is the message about updates or policy? Evaluating the different modes of communication, determining the type of information that is communicated to workers and communicating with workers using the appropriate mode will impact organizations in the future.

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