Masters Theses

Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Science


Mechanical Engineering

Major Professor

Dr._Arnold Lumsdaine

Committee Members

Dr. J. A. M. Boulet, Dr. Frank H. Speckhart


This study investigates the optimal topology of a constrained layer damping treatment involving viscoelastic materials under a static load for different boundary conditions in order to maximize the damping loss factor for the first vibrating mode of the base structure. Different parameter studies are carried out for the two boundary conditions and conclusions are drawn based on the loss factor results and the novel topologies that emerge from these optimization results. The novel topologies are then used to interpret shapes that are more reasonable to manufacture. Tremendous improvement in the loss factor (up to 1250%) is obtained by topology optimization in many of the cases. Also this study develops fundamental understanding of the optimal topologies that are required to maximize the loss factor.

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