"Creating Environments for Effective Adult Learning" by Roger Hiemstra Dr.

IACE Hall of Fame Repository

Creating Environments for Effective Adult Learning

Document Type


Publication Date

Summer 1991

Induction Class Year



This edited book contains various chapters related to learning environments such as, A Conceptual Model for Understanding the Physical Attributes of Learning Environments, Where We Learn Shapes Our Learning, Incorporating Microcomputer Technology into Adult Learning Environments, Setting the Climate for Effective Teaching and Learning, Adverse Baggage in the Learning Environment, Perceptual Patterns and the Learning Environment: Confronting White Racism, and Women's Trouble: Women, Gender, and the Learning Environment.


Rodney Fulton

Richard Vosko

Judith DeJoy

Burt Sisco

Mike Mahoney

Scipio Colin

Trudie Preciphs

Susan Collard

Joyce Stalker

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