Teaching and Supervision in Counseling | Vol 3 | Iss 1

Teaching and Supervision in Counseling

Volume 3, Issue 1 (2021)



Disrupting the Narrative on Recruiting Graduate Students of Color in Counselor Education
Carlos P. Hipolito-Delgado, Diane Estrada, and Marina Garcia


Supervision Experiences of School Counselors-in-Training: An Interpretative Phenomenological Study
Anita Pool, Kristen N. Dickens, Matthew Lyons, and Barbara Herlihy


Beginning Counselor Educators’ Experiences of Teaching Mentorship
Phillip L. Waalkes Dr., Daniel Hall, Paula J. Swindle, and Jaimie E. Stickl Haugen


ADVOCATE: A Legislative Advocacy Model for Counseling Students
Jacquelyn E. Schuster, Lauren Rocha, Angie Sevillano, Felicia Green-Johnson, and Jennifer Gerlach