Volume 5, Issue 1 (2013)
Discovering Dysfunction in Title IX Implementation: NCAA Administrator Literacy, Responsibility, and Fear
Ellen Staurowsky and Erianne A. Weight
Joining the Team: A Case Study Identifying and Assessing Critical Factors Influencing NCAA Division III Student-Athlete Matriculation
Daniel D. Covell, Marilyn K. Pelosi, and Jodi Lemoi
An Examination of Work–Family Conflict in NCAA Division III and NAIA Sports Information Professionals
Laura M. Hatfield and Jeffrey T. Johnson
Impact of Intercollegiate Athletics on Undergraduate Enrollment at a Small, Faith-Based Institution
Matthew J. Brunet, Michele W. Atkins, Gary R. Johnson, and Linn M. Stranak
Editor's Note: Introducing a Newly Rebranded Journal
Damon P. S. Andrew