"Long Term Impact Evaluation of Nursing and Other Health Care Professio" by John A. Henschke EdD

IACE Hall of Fame Repository

Document Type


Publication Date


Induction Class Year



From October, 1977, through December, 1979, 13 of Missouri Extension for nurses and other health-care professionals. A total of 520 different health care professionals attended the sessions, with multiple registrations bringing the total enrollment in the program to 925. Programs were designed to help the participants acquire updated information on various aspects of nursing and other professional health care, new and improved methods and techniques in the delivery of health care, and enhancement of their competencies. To provide long-term evaluation of the effects of the workshops, a one-page Impact Survey Report Form was adapted from one used with the University of Wisconsin-Extension Programs and sent to the past participants. Results from the 341 forms returned by 227 participants were very positive. Most participants reported that they had gained insights, contacts, new ideas, answers to questions, useful resource materials, reinforcement, and help in making decisions. A very high percentage of the respondents rated from "moderate" to "high" the amount of information they actually applied and used, and adequacy of skill training; more than 90 percent said "yes, definitely" or "probably, yes" that the program was worth the time and money spent; and most participants also reported ideas gained at the workshops resulted in better service to their patients and personal satisfaction and confidence. An in-depth interview with 20 of the participants and their supervisors is yet to be conducted as part of the evaluation of the workshops.

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