"From Campus to Community: Making the Case for Open Access by Bringing " by Rachel Caldwell, Melanie A. Allen et al.

UT Libraries Faculty: Other Publications and Presentations

Source Publication

Libraries and Nonprofits: Collaboration for the Public Good

Document Type

Book Chapter

Publication Date



Summary: Describes how librarians developed a workshop for nonprofit organizations (NPOs) to help NPOs access peer-reviewed publications behind paywalls, develop skills in searching (information retrieval), and improve awareness of how academic libraries can support community organizations. NPOs who participated gave feedback in a number of ways, from written surveys to short recorded video interviews. With permission, their feedback was used to develop promotional and informational materials intended for the campus about the value of open access to those working in the local community.


Pre-print of a book chapter from the forthcoming Libraries and Nonprofits: Collaboration for the Public Good, edited by Tatiana Bryant and Jonathan O. Cain (Library Juice Press).

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