"An Experiment with Name Entities in Wikidata @University of Tennessee " by Anchalee Panigabutra-Roberts

UT Libraries Faculty: Other Publications and Presentations

Source Publication

2019 LD4 Conference on Linked Data in Libraries

Document Type

Conference Proceeding

Publication Date



This lightning talk focused on the presenter's experience in learning how to apply Wikidata to build an author’s profile in Scholia. She also discussed the learning curve to create new Wikidata and to update the existing ones to connect with the new items. She also explored different tools, queries and visualization in Wikidata. In conclusion, she discussed her take away and possible scenarios that Wikidata could be used for UT Libraries' collections.

LD4_UTKLibWikidataExploration_lightning_final_20190511.pptx (9958 kB)
Original PowerPoint Presentation

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