"The use of pipe elbows as flow meters." by Bakhteyar Husain

Masters Theses

Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Science


Hydraulic Engineering

Major Professor

Cecil S. Camp


All the previous studies of pipe elbows for use as flow meters lave led to the conclusion that it is necessary to calibrate each elbow desired to be used as an accurate flow meter in its service location. Considering the various advantages an elbow meter possessed over the other types, this limitation looked like an unfair handicap to it. This study was undertaken to investigate the possibilities of using an elbow meter without its calibration being necessary in the service location. In this connection more attention was devoted to the practical details of the problem than to its theoretical aspects. References to literature, dealing with the problem on a purely mathematical basis have, however, been given where necesaary. Due to limitations of time and material, it was not possible to make a very exhaustive study of the problem. Only seven elbows of 2-1/2-inch nominal diameter were studied for this work, and it is realized that the generalization of these results may, in some ways, be rather unwarranted.

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