"A Study of the Negro Department of the Tennessee School for the Deaf" by Anna Beatryce Hale

Masters Theses

Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Science



Major Professor

Orin B. Graff

Committee Members

Florence V. Essery, Beverly E. Holaday


The Statement of the Problem:

The purposes of this study are: (1) the collection of as complete and accurate data as possible regarding the Negro children enrolled as pupils in the Tennessee School for the deaf, including facts about their homes, their families, and their deafness; (2) obtaining pertinent information about the school which affects pupil education, including facts about the instructional department, teacher qualifications and extra-curricular activities; (3) obtaining as accurately as possible with available means the level of intelligence of these children; (4) ascertaining the percent of residual hearing; (5) the measurement of their achievement as a result of the time they had spent in school; and (6) recommendations for the improvement of the education of these children.

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