"Return Jonathan Meigs, Cherokee Indian Agent, 1801-1823" by Greer Jackson Kimery

Masters Theses

Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Arts



Major Professor

Stanley J. Folmsbee

Committee Members

J. Harley Hoffmann, LeRoy P. Graf


Preface: The main sources of information used in this work are contained in the files of Indian Office Records in the National Archives and the War Department. These manuscripts were in the form of letters written by Return Jonathan Meigs to the War Department, and those written by the Secretaries of War to the Cherokee Agent at Southwest Point.

The purpose of this study is to reveal the part Return Jonathan Meigs played during the twenty-two years he served as Cherokee Indian Agent for the Federal Government.

In the preparation of this study, the writer is greatly indebted to Dr. Stanley J. Folmsbee for his helpful suggestions and valuable criticism.

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