Doctoral Dissertations
Dissertations from 1995
Calorimetric and spectrophotometric studies of selected lanthanide and actinide compounds in the solid state, Jerry Brock Burns
Impact of electric vehicles on ozone formation in the middle Tennessee area, Robert Thomas Burns
Strategies for the isolation of genes expressed meiotically during mouse spermatogenesis, Kimberlee Anne Caldwell
Hunter-Gatherers, Mobility, and Technological Organization: The Early Archaic of East Tennessee, Philip James Carr
Applications of optimal control theory to distributed parameter systems, Sanjay Chawla
Theory and applications of atomic force microscopy microcantilevers, Guoyuan Chen
System identification using WaveARX neural network, Junghui Chen
Expert system aided automated design of AC drive system, Sunil Madhusudan Chhaya
DNA restriction fragment analysis using size-selective capillary electrophoresis with laser induced fluorescence detection, Brian Keith Clark
An Examination of Railroad Capacity and its Implications for Rail-Highway Intermodal Transportation, David Bruce Clarke
A phenomenological investigation of the experience of being labeled, Traci Lynn Clayton
The development of an instrument to identify factors which contribute to underachievement in mathematics in the Bahamas, Brendamae C. Cleare
Expanding the model of consumer satisfaction and dissatisfaction : the Means-End Disconfirmation Model of CS/D, D. Scott Clemons
Domestic love in the poetry of Jorge Guillén, Patrick Clay Conley
The role of congressional hearings in the formation of policy toward violence on television : an analysis using the broadcast policy-making system, Cynthia A. Cooper
Mechanistic and molecular modeling studies of several capillary electrophoretic separation techniques employing cyclodextrin additives, Christine Leigh Copper
Gender differences on the Rorschach test, Alfred Wayne Coursol
The Relationship Among Parenting Styles, Home Environments, and Children's Curiosity, Amy Baldwin Crockett
Retailing merger and acquisition activity 1973-1992 : pre-acquisition conditions and post-acquisition performance, Linda M. Cushman
Social, economic and political origins of the Iranian Revolution of 1979, Hossein Daheshiar
Depth measurements of selectable quality using image streams : computational framework for integrated spatio-temporal gradient analysis and binocular stereo approaches, Arun Kumar Dalmia
The influence of zooplankton on biogeochemical fluxes and stoichiometry in an Arctic marine system, Kendra Lee Daly
The Dialectics of Power and Dissent: A Study of the U.S. Army's Chemical Stockpile Disposal Program, Carol Griffith Davies
Personal stories and narrative abilities of mainstream six-year-old children, Frieda Kalb Davis
Expert-novice differences in clinical decision making, William E. Deal
Multiphoton Ionization of Molecular Clusters, Sunil Ramesh Desai
Investigation of mutations in a [beta]-bulge region region of dihydrofolate reductase, Amanda Paige Dion
Restriction site variation and structural analysis of the chloroplast DNA of Isoetes in North America, R. Joel Duff
The impact of strategy and conflict handling on conflict outcomes in the R&D/marketing interface, Barbara Jones. Dyer
Characteristics of an effective modern foreign language lesson : what outstanding teachers do in their most effective lessons, Jean Honaker Eledge
An econometric analysis of multimedia advertising effects on consumers' purchase decisions at the supermarket level using scanner-derived data, Iheanyi Chris Enyinda
The mechanical response of cross-ply ceramic matrix composites, Donald Erdman
Artificial neural networks for system modeling, monitoring and control, Magdi A. Essawy
An examination of the consequences of feedback requirements in the performance appraisal process, Jeffrey David Facteau
Logistics end-users experiences and satisfaction with information systems development utilizing an integrated-computer aided software engineering tool, Kevin Eugene Fitzgerald
An investigation into the comparability of hypothetical and actual markets for an environmental public good, David Michael Fletcher
A human factors evaluation of retroreflective markings for freight cars, Robert Estel Ford
Determinants of organizational responsiveness to the issue of pollution prevention : a study of Tennessee businesses, Dorn Fowler
Construct validation of three early memory probes : assessing dependency, transitional relatedness, and ego-relatedness with the early memories test, James Christopher Fowler
Group size and social behavior in a temperate spider, Anelosimus studiosus (Araneae: Theridiidae), Robert Emmett Furey
Impact of organic ligands on the bioreductive precipitation of hexavalent uranium, Rajagopalan Ganesh
Computer applications and student achievement in a model technology school, Teresa Ann Garland
ATEC: The Aerodyanmic Turbine Engine Code for the Analysis of Transient and Dynamic Gas Turbine Engine System Operations, Glenn Douglas Garrard
A phenomenological study of the experience and expression of anger among women with cardiovascular disease and breast cancer, Gayle Stubbs Garrison
Preparative ion exchange chromatography of proteins from dairy whey, Steven Jay Gerberding
Supplier certification : utilization and value in the purchase of industrial transportation services, Brian J. Gibson
A bedtime storybook reading intervention with deaf children, Catherine Wilson Gillespie
Of myth and reality : constitutional doctrine and the establishment clause, Richard Alan Glenn
Development of cotton nonwovens for protective applications, Nataraj Gosavi
A morphometric analysis of Pleistocene and recent Succineidae (pulmonata) : the dynamics of stasis, Michael David Green
The development and diffusion of the Tennessee walking horse : a case study in equine regional specialization, Margaret M. Gripshover
Effects of collaborative-consultation-training on selected teacher opinions and perceptions regarding referral, intervention and teaching of at-risk students, Rebecca Bonita Sims Gude
Third-person effect in risk communications : the influence of presentation, Sally Ann Guthrie
Sand burying behavior in neotropical species of lizards, Liolaemus, Tropiduridae : a phylogeny of the boulengeri group, Monique Halloy de Grosse
The evaluation and reduction of complexity in position-dependent interactions in machines of significant complexity, Olakunle Harrison
Two studies in expertise and clinical psychodiagnosis, Stephen Hibbard
A sudden feast : the domestic life and poetry of Emily Dickinson's prose, Anna Dunlap Higgins
Job search and displaced workers : a methodology using labor market outcomes to assess regional structural conditions over time, John Adam Hill
Leadership characteristics and work ethic of Tennessee argicultural extension service home economists, Connie Hollingsworth
The pursuit of preference : adminstrative implementation of the Civil Rights of Institutional Persons Act, Karen E. Holt
I. the cycloaddition reactions of methyl and (-)-menthyl acrylates with cyclopentadiene on ℓ-alumina; II. the hydroboration of alkenylcarboranes, George Hondrogiannis
The relationship between the source, recency, and degree of stressors in adolescence and suicide ideation, Cynthia Owen Huff
Influences in community assembly, Gary Robert Huxel
Determination and comparison of the fractal dimensions of coal stack ash subfractions by gas adsorption and small-angle x-ray scattering, John David Jenkins
Infant feeding practices and beliefs of Anglo American and Asian Indian American mothers in Knoxville, Tennessee : a cultural profile, Srimathi Kannan
A near-real-time instrument for wideband magnetic field monitoring with simultaneous time and frequency localization by multiresolution filter bank, Stephen W. Kercel
In-line monitoring of molten polymeric processes, Atul Khettry
Insulin regulation of vascular smooth muscle calcium metabolism and Ca2+ATPase gene expression, Young-Cheul Kim
Visual communication and newspaper reader satisfaction, John Mark King
Karl Polanyi, William Cronon, and development in nineteenth century Illinois : a new synthesis, Martin Bruce King
Differences in attitudes toward computers between and among teachers and parents of elementary school students, Robert Stephen Kite
Study of the Equilibria of Parabolic Differential Equations with Interfaces Intersecting the Boundary, Michal Kowalczyk
Dropping a Line Into a Creek and Pulling Out a Whale: A Phenomenological Study of Six Teachers' Experiences of Their Students' Stories of Learning, Mary Kathryn Kramp
Chronic pain, alexithymia, and object relations, Elizabeth W. Krause
An existential-phenomenological study of living with an AICD (automatic implantable cardioverter defibrillator), Stephen D. Krau
Fundamental aspects of the ionization mechanisms in fast atom bombardment : liquid secondary ion, electrospray, and electrohydrodynamic mass spectrometry, Michael Scott Kriger
Valuation of a new product introduction : a contingent claims approach, Gregory Allen Kuhlemeyer
The effects of catecholamines and ethylene on somatic embryogenesis from orchardgrass (Dactylis glomerata L.) leaf cultures, Alexander Ivanov Kuklin
A study of the approaches school administrators use in making ethical decisions within the typical county public school district, Tracy Michelle Stidham Lakin
Pathologies of the postrevolutionary american soul : the function of disease in the major novels of Charles Brockden Brown, Elizabeth MacDonald Lamont
A new lease on life : cinematic adaptations of five Edith Wharton novels, William Burton Larsen
The photochemistry of anthracene and 9-methylanthracene in the room-temperature molten salts, Carlos Wills Lee
Elastic-Plastic Fracture Toughness Determination Under Some Difficult Conditions, Kang Lee
Instructional strategies for teaching about culture in grades six through eight, Lesia C. Lennex
The relationship between emotional creativity and interpersonal style, Kokkwang Lim
Renal sympathetic nerve activity and cardiovascular responses to classical conditioning and high dietary sodium intake in rats, Shenggang Li
The distance learning classroom : identifying a process for facilitating interaction, Julie Kim Little
Alkylation of aldehyde arenesulfonylhydrazones via trialkylboranes, John Thortan Maddox
Perceived causes for reading problems of first semester remedial and developmental reading students at the Campbell County extension of Roane State Community College, James Earl Martin
NCAA division I athletes' attitudes toward seeking sport psychology consultation, Scott Brian Martin
High resolution multi- and single photon electron spectroscopy using a hemispherical electron spectrometer with position-sensitive detection, John Eilef Mathis
A numerical study of fuel droplet ignition, Robert Wood McAmis