Doctoral Dissertations
Dissertations from 2010
Adolescent Female Substance Use: An Examination of Male Peer Influences and Parental Control, Sarah Gwynne Whiteford
Inside the Minds of Sex Offenders: Illuminating the Role of Implicit Rape Attitudes in Sexual Offending, Laura M. Widman
The Effects of Narrative Coherence & Mindfulness on Parenting Style & Child Behavior, Keith Lee Williams
Multivariate Optimization of Neutron Detectors Through Modeling, Martin Rodney Williamson
Unintentional Injury Content Assessment in Undergraduate Personal Health and Wellness Courses, Kiley Elizabeth Winston
Attrition and Mobility: Analysis of the Educational and Employment History of Teacher Education Graduates at the University of Tennessee, Knoxville, William B. Wishart
Archaism, or Textual Literalism in the Historical Novel, Linell B Wisner
Evaluating the Effectiveness of Therapeutic Assessment with Depressed Adult Clients Using Case-Based Time-Series Design, Nicole J. Wolf
Effects of Taiji and Strength Training Interventions on Knee Osteoarthritis of Older Adults, Michael George Wortley
"Rapping About Authenticity": Exploring the Differences in Perceptions of "Authenticity" in Rap Music by Consumers.", James L. Wright
User’s Behavior in Selected Online Learning Environments, Ai-Lun Wu
Adolescent Predictors of Early Adult Adjustment, Porche' Wynn
Molecular Simulations of Adsorption and Diffusion in Metal-Organic Frameworks (MOFs), Ruichang Xiong
An Effective Approach to Nonparametric Quickest Detection and Its Decentralized Realization, Dayu Yang
Differential Equation Models and Numerical Methods for Reverse Engineering Genetic Regulatory Networks, Mi Un Yoon
Human–animal relationships as modulators of trauma effects in children: a developmental neurobiological perspective, Janet G. Yorke
Campylobacter Pathogenesis and Subunit Vaccine Development, Ximin Zeng
Two Essays on Momentum Strategy and Its Sources of Abnormal Returns, Yu Zhang
Neutron scattering study of the high Tc superconductors, Jun Zhao
Durability and Fatigue Behavior of CIP Concrete Connections for Accelerated Bridge Construction, Peng Zhu
Dissertations from 2009
Service Delivery Consolidation, Governance and the Enhancement of Local Government Capacity: Creating a Service Consolidation Model, Charles Richard Abernathy
Levels of acetic and lactic acid in RTE meat and poultry products and their association with occurrence of Listeria monocytogenes at retail, Omaima Maamoun Ahmed
Experimental Studies of Exotic Negative Ions, Shaun Gerald Ard
Dynamic effects of government policies in a small open developing economy with external debt and sovereign risk, Mark Assibey-Yeboah
Novel Approach to Ocular Photoscreening, Kevin Charles Baker
Physical Adsorption of Ethylene on MgO(100): Effects of Substrate Ionicity and Symmetry on Wetting, Andi Barbour
Open source software contributors' motivations in a community of practice, Hoda Baytiyeh
Data Mining with Multivariate Kernel Regression Using Information Complexity and the Genetic Algorithm, Dennis Jack Beal
Giving Back Not Giving Up: Generativity Among Older Female Inmates, Regina White Benedict
Promoter hypermethylation of candidate tumor suppressor genes in urinary bladder and prostate cancer, Heike Bernert
Physician as Military Officer: Conflicts in Professional Duties, Kevin Michael Bond
Tectonic implications of para- and orthogneiss geochronology and geochemistry from the southern Appalachian crystalline core, Brendan Richardson Bream
“The Youngest of the great American Family”: The Creation of a Franco-American Culture in Early Louisiana, Cinnamon Brown
Role of Dietary Calcium and Dairy in Modulating Oxidative Stress, Inflammatory Stress and Lifespan, Antje Eerenstein Bruckbauer
The Integration of European Union Borderlands: Polish Views on Cross-Border Mobility and Cooperation Across the Polish-German Border, Michelle Janet Brym
Evaluation Use and Influence among Project Directors of State GEAR UP Grants, Erin Mehalic Burr
Situational Awareness in Multi-Casualty Incidents: Theory Development from the Field, Steven T. Busby
Why Foreign Counterinsurgency Campaigns Fail, Donald Frederick Butler
Administrators’ Literacy Beliefs and Leadership Behaviors as Reflected in Early Childhood Practice, Maria Kostrzewa Cahill
Functional Connectivity of EEG LORETA in Cortical Core Components of the Self and the Default Network (DNt) of the Brain, Rex Lee Cannon
Sequence-Based Specification of Embedded Systems, Jason Martin Carter
A Study of Presidential Derailment in Public Research Universities, Keith Shaw Carver
The effects of nursing home organizational culture and climate on employee and resident outcomes, Kimberly McClure Cassie
A Financial Model for the Launch and Operation of an Online Degree Program by a Public Higher Education System, Jason Caudill
A phenomenological inquiry into children's experiences and choices related to health and disease prevention, Juliann Marie Chavez
Automated Surveillance Systems with Multi-Camera and Robotic Platforms, Chung Hao Chen
Coupled Flow Discrete Element Method Application in Granular Porous Media using Open Source Codes, Feng Chen
Low-power switched capacitor voltage reference, Suheng Chen
UT Taiwanese graduate students' perceived difficulties in English for academic purpose setting, Tai-Ming Chen
The roles of phospholipid biosynthesis in Candida albicans virulence, Ying-Lien Chen
Scheduling for Service Stability and Supply Chain Coordination, Yuerong Chen
Automated Correction and Optimized Contrast Enhancement of Multi-Line CCD Images, Zhiyu Chen
Nonlinear localized dissipative structures for long-time solution of wave equation, Subhashini B. Chitta
The Regulation of Neuropeptide Corazonin and Its Functional Analyses in Drosophila Melanogaster, Seung-Hoon Choi
Histone Deacetylase Inhibitors for Selective Anti-Cancer Therapeutics, Shambhunath Choudhary
System effectiveness model formulation with application to nuclear safeguards systems, Cameron Wright Coates
The synthesis and spectroscopic studies of titanium-amido complexes as potential catalysts for small molecule activation and polymerization reactions, Andrew James Colvin
An Analysis of Two Markets with Asymmetric Information, Stephen James Cotten A Cross-level Analysis of the Relationship between Organizational Culture and Technology Use among Homeless Service Providers, Courtney Marie Cronley
Linking genotypic diversity within Solidago altissima to communities and ecosystems, Gregory M. Crutsinger
Climate-Driven Impacts of Groundfish on Food Webs in the Northern Bering Sea, Xuehua Cui
Morphological and Molecular Systematics of Psychodidae (Diptera), Gregory Russel Curler
Proposed mechanism of action of saxitoxin in aquatic systems based on expression profiling in lower eukaryotes, Kathleen Daumer Cusick
The Effectiveness of a Restraint Reduction Policy Implemented to Reduce the Use of Physical Restraint with Children and Adolescents in a Residential Care Facility, Irma Molina Damen
Managing team conflict through perspective taking, Shaun W. Davenport
Sociality, Cognition and Social Learning in Turtles (Emydidae), Karen Marie Davis
Was That Racist or Not? I Can’t Tell: The Music of Prussian Blue, Michael J. Davis
Towards Universality in Automatic Freeway Incident Detection: A Calibration-Free Algorithm, Manoel Mendonca de Castro-Neto
The Relationship Between Preschool Teachers’ Beliefs About School Readiness and Classroom Practice in Tennessee Child Care Programs, Joanna Hope Denny
Parents’ Perceptions of Their Children’s and Their Own Sport Experiences, Michael John Diacin
Examining subjective understanding of participants and trained coders in adolescent romantic couples' interactions, Joseph Warren Dickson
The Effects of Betrayal Characteristics on Laypeople’s Ratings of Betrayal Severity and Conceptualization of Forgiveness, Lee J. Dixon
Small Windows of Hope: Understanding the Meaning of Fatigue Experienced by Cancer Patients, Lois Starnes Doane
Studies of Tungsten Alkyl Alkylidyne Compounds and Iron Porphyrin Derivatives, Brenda Ann Dougan
Bling without blood? The role of natural resources in civil war, Kimberly L. Douglass
Biological Simulations and Biologically Inspired Adaptive Systems, Edgar Alfredo Duenez-Guzman
The Executive Coach and Clients in Reflective Practice: Levelising as a Special Case, David T. Duncan
Coronaviral 2’-O-Methyltransferase Function in Virus Replication., Agnieszka Dziduszko
In Contradiction: The Concept of Globalization in the Popular Discourse of Education Reform, Bradley Scott Ellison
A habitat assessment to locate tree of heaven [Ailanthus altissima, (Mill.) Swingle] in Mammoth Cave National Park, Belinda D. Esham
An Investigation of the Transferability of Trip Generation Models and the Utilization of aSpatial Context Variable, Jerry Don Everett
Structure-Function Studies of the Large Subunit of Ribonucleotide Reductase from Homo sapiens and Saccharomyces cerevisiae, James Wesley Fairman
Self-transcendence and spiritual well-being in participants of short-term, faith-based, foreign, health care missions, Elizabeth Ann Fiske
The Design and Synthesis of Biotinylated Tylophorine Analogues for use as Affinity Probes in the Elucidation of the Cellular Targets of DCB-3503, Samson Francis
Atomically resolved STM studies of the perovskite manganite thin-film surfaces, Kenji Fuchigami
Open Heavy Flavor Measurement at Forward Angles for Cu+Cu Collisions at Center of Mass NN Collision Energy 200 GeV, Irakli Garishvili
Single Walled Carbon Nanotube Networks as Transparent Conductors, Matthew Patrick Garrett
Athletes' Experience of Poor Coaching, Brian Gearity
Somehow a word must be found: William Carlos Williams, the Legacies of Duchamp, and the Troping of the Found, Brian L. Gempp
Spectroscopic Imaging for the Detection and Identification of Bacterial Contaminations, Michael Gilbert
Concept-driven visualization for terascale data analytics, Markus Glatter