Doctoral Dissertations

Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Philosophy



Major Professor

Marian W. Roman


The purpose of the study was to investigate the presence and possible relationship of self-transcendence and spiritual well-being in persons who have completed at least one short-term, foreign, health care mission (SFHCM). There is a paucity of literature related to SFHCM; however, these trips are becoming increasingly commonplace. In the anecdotal literature, SFHCM are often described as life changing. The descriptions of this growth experience in the literature are quite similar to the concept of self-transcendence as defined in the nursing literature. Reed's (2003) middle range theory of self-transcendence was used as the theoretical framework for this study. The major concepts of the theory are vulnerability, self-transcendence and well being. Self-transcendence (ST) has been studied in a number of different populations but has not been documented in mission participants. A mixed methods design was utilized in this study. Quantitative data, including demographic variables and scores on the Self-Transcendence Scale (STS) and the Spirituality Index of Well-Being (SIWB), were collected and analyzed. Qualitative responses to open-ended questions provided a better understanding of mission experiences. Self-transcendence scores were higher in mission participants than in participants of comparison studies. Self-transcendence scores were higher in women than men, consistent with previous studies. Self-transcendence scores correlated with Spirituality Index of Well-Being scores. Participants described mission experiences consistent with the multi-dimensional aspects of ST. Participants described situations in which they felt vulnerable but had low scores on a quantitative measure of vulnerability. Findings from this study may be applied to training activities for future SFHCM and potentially to other relief endeavors such as disaster response and humanitarian efforts.

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