"PB1679 Forest - A - Syst: Self-Assessment to Prioritize Your Forest Us" by The University of Tennessee Agricultural Extension Service

Document Type

Forests & Forestry

Publication Date



You are unique. The title “Forest Landowner” is one not held by many Tennesseans. Your ownership carries with it a sense of treasure, of enjoyment, of wildness. But it’s also a privilege, one that imparts responsibility, one that can be observed and one that increasingly can be measured.

If you were to be judged on your forestry practices, how would you score? Would you even know which parameters to assess or what questions to ask? Which of these forest uses aesthetics, recreation, soil, timber, water, wildlife—are more important? Have you ever intelligently, and intentionally, began a planning process for your forest? Are you following a path that someday will allow you to achieve your desired goals?

The Forest*A*Syst manual has been prepared to assist you in exploring answers to these and other questions. The manual will take you on a mission that begins with an informal self assessment which, when summarized, will help you evaluate where your interests lie. It will lead you through an unbiased discovery of your personal ownership goals and will give you a better understanding on how to achieve those goals. Our hope is that whatever uses you choose for your forest will include measures to enhance water quality and protect our soil.

Using this manual will satisfy both good forestry and good environmental stewardship. You will realize that environmental protection and timber production can be compatible. Throughout the manual, action steps are stressed. In addition, references for more information and professional assistance are given. Natural resource professionals can help you use this information to fashion your personal forest management plan. A sample management plan is found at the end of this publication. Fill it out in preparation for your professional’s visit.

Publication Number

PB1679 3M 11/08(Rev) R12-4910-064-003-09

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