Institute of Agriculture | University of Tennessee, Knoxville Research | TRACE: Tennessee Research and Creative Exchange
Institute of Agriculture

Institute of Agriculture

Tennessee's forests, pastures, and farmlands are our classrooms. So are the state's gardens and arboretums, wetlands, and watersheds. The classrooms and teaching programs of the University of Tennessee Institute of Agriculture are as varied as the people they serve. Our programs assist students, farmers, families, 4-H and other youth, agribusinesses, state and federal agencies, consumers, and the general public. The Institute of Agriculture is made up of four units that provide instruction, research and public service:

UT College of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources

UT College of Veterinary Medicine

UT Agricultural Experiment Station

UT Extension


Browse the Institute of Agriculture Collections:


History of the Institute of Agriculture

University of Tennessee Institute of Agriculture Photo Competition

University of Tennessee Institute of Agriculture Publications

UT Extension Publications

UT Gardens