"PB1670 Dogwoods for American Gardens" by The University of Tennessee Agricultural Extension Service

Document Type

Forests & Forestry

Publication Date



Seventeen species of dogwood are native to the United States, with about 50 throughout the northern hemisphere of the world. The familiar species we call “flowering dogwood,” Cornus florida, is related to many others. This publication discusses those of ornamental value. Most dogwood species are either shrubs or small trees and can be easily divided into two main groups: those with red fruit (occasionally yellow) and those with blue-black (sometimes whitish) fruit.

In addition to its beauty, the dogwood is an important food source for birds and wildlife. Berries of the flowering dogwood are eaten by many species of songbirds and small mammals from August until they are gone, often as late as February or March.

This publication provides cultural information and ornamental characteristics to help you select dogwoods for your landscape and how to maintain them in good health. If you have any questions, contact your Cooperative Extension Service.

Publication Number

PB1670-30M-12/00 R12-4910-19-001-01

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