"SP418-Z-Healthy Children: 35-36 Months" by The University of Tennessee Agricultural Extension Service

Document Type

Parenting, Children and Teens

Publication Date



Your child is almost three years old and growing more independent and capable every day.

Your child can do many things by himself at this age. He can sort and put away forks and spoons; he can carry piles of clean clothes to the bedroom; he can set the table with napkins and silverware. It takes time and energy for you to show him how to do a new job, but it’s worth the effort. He does love to help, doesn’t he? Children often say, “Me do it” as they strongly promote their right to become their own person. “Let’s do it together” or “I will help too” usually works better than “You can’t do that” or “No, I’ll do it,” or “You’re too little.”

Encourage your child’s cooperation; it will build his confidence and help him grow into a helpful, responsible person.

Publication Number

SP418-Z 5M 7/03(Rep) E12-5315-00-010-04

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