"SP418-Y-Healthy Children: 33-34 Months" by The University of Tennessee Agricultural Extension Service

Document Type

Parenting, Children and Teens

Publication Date



Children love to learn about themselves and their past. It helps them to feel important and special. A very nice thing you can do for your child and yourselves is to collect and organize reminders of these early years.

Chances are you have some memory makings already. You can use photographs, birthday cards, certificates and so forth to start a memory book or a memory box. Add pictures your child draws, a piece of her favorite blanket, an outline of her hand or footprint, her holiday cards, newspapers published on her birthdays, notes from favorite relatives— and anything else you and she want to save. Let your child know this is a special book you want to keep for both of you. Let her look at it only with you so you can keep it from getting torn and dirty.

All too soon, these early years pass. A memory book will help you and your child enjoy remembering these special years.

Publication Number

SP418-Y 5M 7/03(Rep) E12-5315-00-009-04

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