"SP418-V-Healthy Children: 27-28 Months" by The University of Tennessee Agricultural Extension Service

Document Type

Parenting, Children and Teens

Publication Date



No one needs to tell you that the toddler years are busy years. They are busy for your toddler who is into everything, and busy for you, because you have to chase, protect and train her.

With all this activity and stress it may be hard to remember that these first three years are probably the most important time in your child’s life. You have the opportunity now to help your child become a responsible, loving, accomplished person.

Try to enjoy these busy, important years. Be good to yourselves. Take time out when you can and share child care with others when you need a break. Enjoy your child’s development and celebrate her accomplishments with her. Reward yourselves too for your successes, and don’t be hard on yourselves for mistakes. All parents make them.

When these busy toddler years pass, believe it or not, you will probably look back on this special time with pleasure and nostalgia. For now, do all you can to make the most of these important years.

Publication Number

SP418-V 3M 1/07(Rep) E12-5315-00-024-07 07-0138

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